A Seller’s Guide to Amazon PPC Keyword Match Types

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PPC advertising on Amazon is a potent tool for sellers. PPC advertising on Amazon is a potent tool for sellers, providing a powerful way to increase visibility and drive sales. It is for those looking to boost their product visibility and increase sales. It’s crucial to understand and use different keyword match types to make the most of your PPC campaigns on Amazon. This comprehensive guide will explore the various Amazon PPC keyword match types. 

The Importance of Keyword Match Types

Keyword match types determine how closely a customer’s search query must align with your chosen keywords for your ad to appear. Understanding these match types helps you control the relevancy of your ads, budget allocation, and campaign performance. Also, if you get to know about an Amazon management agency, you will get help in keyword match types. 

Amazon offers four primary keyword match types:

  1. Broad Match

Format: Broad Match

Example: Keyword: “running shoes”

Ads may appear for Synonyms, misspellings, related searches, and relevant keyword variations, even if they’re not explicitly in your keyword list.


  • Maximum reach and potential impressions.
  • Opportunity to discover new, unexpected keywords.
  • Suitable for brand awareness campaigns.


  • Risk of irrelevant clicks and higher spending.
  • Lower conversion rates due to broader targeting.

Best Use: Use Broad Match to cast a wide net and gather data on search terms that are converting well. Regularly review search term reports to identify and add relevant keywords such as Exact or Phrase Match.

  1. Phrase Match

Format: “Phrase Match”

Example: Keyword: “running shoes”

Ads may appear for Searches that include the exact phrase “running shoes” but can have additional words before or after. Amazon PPC agency knows how to give you the right phrase match. 


  • More targeted than Broad Match.
  • Balances reach and relevancy.
  • Suitable for capturing long-tail keywords.


  • It may still include some irrelevant traffic.
  • Potential for lower reach compared to Broad Match.

Best Use: Phrase Match effectively targets specific search queries without being overly restrictive. It balances reach and precision, making it a solid choice for many campaigns.

  1. Exact Match

Format: [Exact Match]

Example: Keyword: [running shoes]

Ads may appear for Exact search queries that match your keyword exactly, with no additional words or variations.


  • Highly precise and targeted.
  • Maximum relevancy, leading to higher conversion rates.
  • Optimal for branded keywords or specific product listings.


Limited reach and impression volume.

Take advantage of potential customers searching for similar products.

Best Use: Exact Match displays your ad only for specific, high-converting search queries. Use it for essential keywords and branded terms.

  1. Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are not match types but are critical for refining your PPC campaigns. 

Example: If you’re selling running shoes but not offering free shipping, you can add “free shipping”. 

Strategies for Optimizing Amazon PPC Match Types

Start with Broad Match: Begin with Broad Match to capture a wide range of search queries and gather data. Monitor search term reports regularly to identify converting keywords and negative keywords to add.

Refine with Phrase and Exact Match: Once you’ve gathered data, focus on more precise match types like Phrase and Exact Match. Use the insights from your Broad Match campaign to select the most relevant keywords for these match types.

Negative Keywords: To reduce wasted ad spend and filter out irrelevant traffic, continuously review and expand your list of negative keywords.

Bid Adjustments: Adjust your bids based on keyword performance and match type. For high-converting Exact Match keywords, consider higher proposals to ensure top placement.

Keyword Expansion: As your campaign matures, regularly research and add new relevant keywords to broaden your reach and attract new customers.

Campaign Structure: Organize your campaigns based on match types, allowing you to allocate budgets and monitor performance more effectively.

Regular Monitoring:

  • Keep a close eye on your campaigns.
  • Track key performance metrics.
  • Adjust as needed to optimize your ROI.

Advanced Amazon PPC Strategies

  1. Utilize Broad Match Modifier (BMM)

Amazon introduced Broad Match Modifier in recent years. It falls between Broad Match and Phrase Match in terms of targeting. With BMM, you can specify keywords within your broad match terms that must be present. 

For example, if you have the BMM keyword “+running +shoes,” your ad may appear for queries like “best-running shoes” or “women’s running shoes” but not for unrelated questions like “trail hiking shoes.” BMM provides a balance between reach and specificity.

  1. Dynamic Bidding Strategies

Amazon offers dynamic bidding options that allow you to adjust your bid based on the likelihood of conversion automatically. These options include:

Dynamic Bids – Down Only: Reduces your bid for clicks less likely to convert.

Dynamic Bids – Up and Down: Adjust your bid up and down based on the conversion likelihood.

Experiment with these options to find the best strategy for your campaigns. They can help you allocate your budget more efficiently and maximize your ROI.

  1. Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are specific, multi-word phrases that are less competitive but often more relevant to user intent. Incorporate long-tail keywords into your campaigns to capture highly targeted traffic. While Exact Match keywords can work well for this purpose, Phrase Match can also effectively capture relevant long-tail queries.

  1. Seasonal and Trend-Based Keywords

Tailor your keyword strategy to seasonal trends and events. For instance, if you’re selling outdoor furniture, focus on “patio furniture” keywords during the spring and summer months. Similarly, adjust your keywords during holiday seasons to target terms like “gift ideas” and “holiday deals.”

  1. Negative Keyword Expansion

Regularly reviewing search term reports can help you identify negative keyword opportunities. For example, if you sell high-end watches, you might add negative keywords like “cheap,” “replica,” or “knockoff” to filter out low-intent traffic.

  1. Ad Scheduling and Dayparting

Consider scheduling your ads to run during specific hours or days when your target audience is most active or likely to convert. Use Amazon’s ad scheduling feature to allocate your budget more effectively and improve your ROI.

  1. Geotargeting

Geotargeting allows you to show your ads to users in specific geographic locations. If your products have regional appeal or you want to focus on specific markets, adjust your campaign settings accordingly.

For example, if you sell surfing equipment, you should target users in coastal regions with suitable conditions for surfing.

Monitoring and Optimization

Amazon PPC optimization is an ongoing process. Regularly monitor the performance of your campaigns, track key metrics (e.g., click-through rate, conversion rate, and return on ad spend), and adjust your strategies based on data-driven insights.

A/B testing different ad creatives, landing pages, and bidding strategies can also provide valuable insights into what works best for your specific products and target audience.

Bid Optimization Strategies

Effective bid management is crucial for maximizing the performance of your PPC campaigns. Here are some advanced bid optimization strategies to consider:

Automated Bidding: Amazon offers automated bidding strategies like Target ACOS (Advertising Cost of Sales) or Target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend).

Placement Adjustments: Amazon allows you to adjust bids based on where your ad appears (top of search, rest of search, or product pages). Analyze the performance of your ads on different placements and adjust bids accordingly to prioritize high-converting orders.

Dayparting: If your ads perform better during specific times of the day or days of the week, consider using dayparting to adjust your bids accordingly.

  1. Utilize Amazon’s Keyword and Bid Suggestions

Amazon provides keyword and bid suggestions within the advertising console. Take advantage of these recommendations to identify high-performing keywords you may have overlooked. Amazon’s AI algorithms analyze search data and competitor trends to provide these suggestions.

  1. Use Amazon’s Product Targeting

It’s an advanced targeting option. This can help you reach customers who are browsing similar products.


Mastering Amazon PPC keyword match types is essential for sellers. It will help to maximize the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns. By using Broad, Phrase, and Exact Match, you can balance reach and relevancy and increase the performance of your Amazon PPC campaigns. Regular monitoring and adjustments are crucial to success in the competitive Amazon marketplace.