What You Need to Know About Nursing Homes

When it’s time for your loved one to move to a nursing home, you’ll have a lot of questions. You want to make sure your relative will be safe and cared for. So if this time of transition is approaching for an older person in your life, consider everything you need to know about nursing homes.

Nursing homes care for elderly people who can’t care for themselves

Nursing homes provide medical care, meals, and rehabilitation services to the elderly population. Most nursing home residents live in the facility permanently because they cannot live independently.

They might have dementia or Alzheimer’s, and staying in a nursing facility provides them with the proper care. They might need orthopedic treatments or daily care from a physical therapist, which can be provided in a home. This is a good option for elderly residents who need frequent care because it relieves the burden of caregiving that is typically placed on younger family members. If your older parent is no longer able to take care of himself or herself, a home will provide the care needed so you don’t have to uproot your life.

About nursing homes - 498398948Nursing homes aren’t perfect

If you’re considering putting your loved one in a nursing home, you need to be aware of the potential dangers. While many staff members will put residents’ best interests first, there are also plenty of homes with staff members who engage in emotional abuse or physical abuse of the residents.

The elderly are a very vulnerable population, and it’s easy for corrupt individuals to take advantage of the innocent. You’ll need to keep an eye out for any warning signs that your loved one is suffering elder abuse.

When you visit, check for any signs of physical or sexual abuse. This might look like bruises from a kick or wounds from being tied to the bed. Check for torn or bloody clothes. Be aware of your loved one’s bank account and look for any suspicious activity. Some people take financial advantage of the elderly and steal their money.

A common form of abuse for elderly people is neglect. If the nursing facility is understaffed or underfunded, they might be unable to properly care for every resident. Neglect might mean your family member is not receiving his or her medication, is not being bathed, or is not offered food and drink regularly.

Monitor your loved ones for signs of neglect by checking their appearance. Are they messy or dirty? Are they losing weight? Do they have bedsores? If you’re confident that your family member is being neglected, contact a nursing home neglect attorney. A professional can help you and your loved one receive justice for any abuse suffered in the nursing home.

Nursing home stays can be extremely expensive

For many, the cost of a home stay is prohibitive. A private room in a home can cost over $8,000 a month, and the average stay is more than two years. That means your family could be looking at a bill of almost $200,000 just to ensure your loved one receives good care. Thankfully, Medicare will typically cover at least some of the costs by paying for 100 days in a nursing home each billing cycle.

If your family member qualifies for Medicaid, the entire cost of the stay will be covered. He or she can qualify by having no more than $2,000 in cash and cash equivalents. Veterans qualify for a pension that covers some of the costs of a home. If you think a family member might need to become a resident of a nursing facility, start saving and considering your options now. According to www.applyformedicare.com, to apply for medicare you must be a US citizen or permanent legal resident for at least five years and either:

  • be 65 years of age or older,
  • receive Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) for a minimum of 24 months, or
  • be diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or end-stage renal disease (ESRD).

As your family members age, learn more about nursing facilities. Be on the lookout for signs of neglect, and take matters into your own hands, if needed so that you can keep your loved ones safe.


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