Advantages of Metal Roofing Over Asphalt Shingles

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When it comes to choosing your home’s roofing material, there are a lot of options to consider. However, two of the most popular options are metal roofing and asphalt shingles.

What Is Metal Roofing?

Metal roofing is a type of roofing system that uses metal sheets or tiles instead of traditional materials like asphalt or slate. These metal panels are typically made of aluminum, steel, or copper and come in a variety of styles and colors to match any home’s aesthetic. As per a roofing contractor in Columbus, Ohio, the following are the advantages of metal roofing. 

Benefits Of Metal Roofing

  • Durable and long-lasting

There are several benefits to metal roofing that make it an attractive option for homeowners. First and foremost, metal roofing is extremely durable and long-lasting. Unlike asphalt shingles, which may need to be replaced every 15-20 years, metal roofs can last up to 50 years or more with proper maintenance. Additionally, metal roofs are resistant to harsh weather like high winds, heavy rain, and hail, making them a great choice for areas prone to these conditions.

  • Energy Efficient

Another advantage of metal roofing is its energy efficiency. Metal roofs are highly reflective, which means they can reflect sunlight and heat away from the home, reducing cooling costs during the summer months. They also have insulating properties that can help keep heat inside during the winter, resulting in lower heating bills.

  • Environment Friendly

Finally, metal roofing is an environmentally friendly option. Most metal roofing materials are made from recycled materials, and when the roof eventually needs to be replaced, these materials can be recycled again. Additionally, the longevity of metal roofing means that fewer resources are needed to produce and install new roofs over time.

What are Asphalt Shingles?

Asphalt shingles are made up of a base material either organic or fiberglass, which is then coated with asphalt and mineral fillers. These shingles are available in a variety of styles, including three-tab, architectural, and luxury shingles. The three-tab shingles are the most basic and affordable option, while architectural and luxury options come with added durability and aesthetics.

Benefits of Asphalt Shingles

There are several benefits associated with using asphalt shingles as your roofing material of choice. Firstly, they are incredibly affordable and typically last up to 20 to 30 years with proper installation and maintenance. Secondly, they are lightweight and easy to install, making them a popular choice amongst homeowners and contractors alike. 

Asphalt shingles are also fire-resistant, making them a safe option for your home. Lastly, they come in a range of colors and styles, making them a versatile option for any home design.

Installation Process

Asphalt shingles are easy to install and the process can typically be completed in just a few days. Firstly, the roof deck is prepared by laying asphalt-saturated felt over it. This is followed by installing metal edging along the perimeter of the roof and securing it with roofing nails. 

The shingles are then installed in a staggered pattern, starting at the bottom of the roof and working upwards towards the ridge. Once all the shingles are installed, a layer of ridge cap shingles is added along the ridge for added durability and aesthetics.


To ensure the longevity and durability of your asphalt shingles, it is important to maintain and care for them properly. This includes regular inspections of your roof to look for signs of damage, such as missing or cracked shingles, mold or moss growth, and damage to the roof deck. You should also clean your roof periodically with a gentle cleaning solution to remove any build-up of dirt or debris.

Comparative Analysis: Metal Roofing vs. Asphalt Shingles

When it comes to choosing your home’s roofing material, there are a lot of options to consider. However, two of the most popular options are metal roofing and asphalt shingles. While both have their pros and cons, today we will be discussing the top 5 advantages of metal roofing over asphalt shingles.

Durability and Longevity:

One of the top benefits of metal roofing is its durability and longevity. Unlike asphalt shingles, which can easily be damaged by hail, wind, and heavy snow, metal roofing is incredibly durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions. Additionally, metal roofing has a longer life expectancy than asphalt shingles, with some metal roofs lasting up to 50 years.

Lower Maintenance:

Another advantage of metal roofing is its lower maintenance requirements. Unlike asphalt shingles that require regular maintenance, such as cleaning, repair, and replacement, metal roofing is virtually maintenance-free. This not only saves homeowners time and money but also gives them peace of mind knowing that their roof is protected for years to come.

Environmentally Friendly:

Metal roofing is an excellent choice for homeowners who are environmentally conscious. Metal roofs are made from recycled materials, and they themselves are recyclable at the end of their life. Additionally, metal roofing reflects heat, which can help lower cooling costs during the summer months. Furthermore, metal roofing is an excellent choice for those looking to install solar panels on their roof.

Fire Resistant:

Metal roofs are incredibly fire-resistant and are often recommended in areas with high wildfire risks. Unlike asphalt shingles, which can easily catch fire and spread flames to other parts of the home, metal roofing can withstand direct exposure to fire, reducing the risk of damage to your home.

Aesthetic Appeal:

Finally, metal roofing is an excellent choice for homeowners looking for an aesthetically pleasing option. Metal roofs come in a variety of colors and styles, ensuring that homeowners can choose a look that complements their home’s style. Additionally, metal roofing can add value to your home if you choose to sell it in the future.

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