What You Should Know About Aftercare Services in Addiction Recovery

With the global prevalence of drug and substance addiction, the struggle with addiction is a phenomenon that requires specialized treatment services. Around 2.5 million people have sought and received treatment in professional centers as a result of addiction.

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Created using images and a quote from https://addictions.ca/aftercare-services/.

Sober living is hard and trying for a former addict and requires maximum commitment. After rehabilitation, the patient goes back to their healthy life and faces internal and external pressures of old habits, friends, and lifestyle choices. This change may be tricky as the patient is faced with tough decisions to make to stick to their sobriety.

Addiction treatment is a gradual procedure that does not stop immediately after rehabilitation. Treatment may go for a more extended period, even after the patient has since gone back into their daily routine. This continuing treatment is conducted through aftercare services that ensure that the patient remains committed to living an ultimate drug-free life.

Sober living plans

Aftercare treatment may encompass various aspects depending on the individual and the intensity of their previous drug addiction. For instance, high-risk patients may consider options such as sober living plans if they find returning to their homes and lifestyle a burden to their sobriety.

A modern example of such a program includes finding out facilities designed for former addicts to reside in for as long as they are confident enough to go back to the real world. These facilities offer an avenue for recovery patients to live together, socialize, and interact in the challenges they may face while living away from rehabilitation programs.

Therefore, most sober living homes are way cheaper than rehabilitation centers, making it an affordable option for patients to consider. Different homes have different organizational structures and follow various house rules. For instance, individuals living in the house are designated house chores to complete to bond and socialize with other members. The older individuals also set aside time to mentor and advise the new participants on life hacks after rehab.

There are also various regulations to be followed that would slowly guide new patients on how to transition to their new drug-free lifestyle.

Facility-based plans

Recovery patients may also consider inquiring from their rehabilitation center plans that facilitate aftercare services. Various rehab centers set aside therapists and physicians designed to come in after a patient is discharged from the facility. These physicians assist the individual in follow up protocols, therapy, and evaluation to ascertain that they do not fall back into old ways.

The rehab physicians may also schedule weekly visits and conduct workshops to assess the patient’s progress in their old environment, offering an adequate support system.

Rehabilitation centers also offer outpatient aftercare services that allow the patient to come in during the day and leave for home at night. This enables the patient to continue with their day to day activities while remaining focused on their goal towards sobriety.

Support groups

Support groups are designed to create a platform for recovery patients to meet and discuss their journey in or toward sobriety. These groups offer emotional support and advise recovering patients by giving them valuable information to apply in their daily lives.

The groups also offer avenues of interaction with diverse people who have experienced exactly what the recovering patient has endured and provide a safe space for individuals to voice their concerns without judgment. The groups specialize in twelve step programs, which are affirmations the group lives by.

Individual aftercare plans

Recovery patients comfortable with transitional living plans or group aftercare services can embark on individual projects if undertaken carefully. This will require the individual to regularly meet with their sponsor and keep in touch as often as possible. Individuals should develop a routine that enables them to stay on track by maintaining a support system, physical exercise, recovery journal, discovering new hobbies, and planning out short or long term goals.

Qualities of credible aftercare service plan

Successful aftercare plans should offer recovery patients the following results:

  • Better health conditions

Recovery patients should exhibit better health during their aftercare plans. The services should seek to ensure the individual’s health problems significantly improve. For instance, individuals should attest to better mental, physical and emotional patterns. They should be regularly tested for infectious diseases, offered educational material for the betterment, and screened them to make sure they stay on course.

  • Supportive structure

Recovery patients require constant checkups and reassurance. Therefore, an excellent aftercare service should evaluate their housing state and determine whether it is fit for the individual to inhabit before they exit the rehabilitation center. For instance, confirming whether the individual has supportive family members or friends will ensure accountability. The services should also seek to randomly visit and facilitate transportation incase of appointments or medical evaluations.

  • Foster sense of community

Aftercare programs can create programs that seek to foster a sense of community by encouraging the individual to engage in healthy, meaningful relationships that will help them sustain a sober life. Engaging in activities that encourage them to socialize and interact with like-minded people should be the ultimate goal.

  • Professional staff

A credible aftercare service should hire competent staff that is well equipped with addiction treatment. The team should be well organized and seek to ensure the principles of addiction treatment are fully adhered to. Abruptly changing the treatment staff or aftercare physicians is not recommended as it creates disconnects between the patient and the treatment plans.

How do you determine the right aftercare service available for you? Recovery patients can start by enquiring from their rehabilitation center or treatment provides the best course of action available to them. This will help find a customized service that considers their addiction journey, treatment plans, and personality. You can also ask around and survey which aftercare service has the most recommendations in your local area. Researching sites such as SAMHSA or NIH will assist you in making informed decisions.

With the importance of aftercare services, recovery patients can have purposeful and meaningful drug-free lives.

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