AI And SEO: Are They The Key To SEO Success?

AI and SEO work alongside each other to create outstanding results and have done so for a number of years. How is it being implemented by industry experts to help boost online visibility? In this article, we will be looking into how AI and SEO together could be the key to your online success. SEO is short for search engine optimization.

AI and SEO image 4993992993The Google Algorithm

AI has been fully integrated into a number of leading industries around the world and has helped to rapidly expand the knowledge that we can gain from the Internet and other searches. A prime example of a highly influential AI program is that of Google’s algorithm. With a number of crawlers as well as a highly versatile ranking system, the Google algorithm is constantly changing to provide users with high-quality, relevant content that is fit for purpose.

AI stands for artificial intelligence. Pay Per Click Essex services has the following definition of AI:

“Artificial intelligence refers to software that makes computers, robots, and other smart devices think and behave like us, i.e., human beings.”

Although there are a number of ways that businesses influence the algorithm such as SEO tactics, using an AI alongside these elements can help to gain well-needed data which will influence content marketing strategies to improve Google SERP Results.  SERP stands for search engine results page.

AI and Content Marketing

When looking into how AI can benefit content marketing, it has a number of clear benefits, such as automating content surrounding sports results or changes in the price of stocks by taking highlights and converting this into content that can then be published. This is highly beneficial for news outlets as they can get posts out significantly faster than any human can.

AI can also be used to collect and process key data when it comes to a select target audience. Whether this is browsing behaviour, session time, or general interests, it can all be used to boost content marketing efforts and base content around what your audience wishes to see.

This is beneficial in terms of an E.A.T rating as you can begin to make user-optimised content that is fit for purpose and brings on high-quality backlinks to your site in order to boost authority. E.A.T. stands for expertise, authoritativeness, trustworthiness – it is the metric by which Google values or ranks a website.

Remarketing and AI

AI can also be used in remarketing efforts for products and services as you can track the general behaviour of consumers in your target market. You can find out what appeals to them and what they have looked at on your webpage to effectively remarket products. This is great for particularly small businesses as an AI can be implemented in the form of a chatbot to help potential leads through the conversion funnel.

AI, Voice Search and SEO

According to recent studies, voice searches will represent up to 50% of all searches by 2020. This is an important statistic because AI learning as well as improved content marketing strategies will be needed in order to rank for a majority of these particular searches.

By using an AI to target key terms, you can then begin to aim for featured snippets, improve site speed, and optimise your local search visibility in order to rank in the voice search results. This is only set to become more and more prominent as this style of technology evolves and more and more voice-activated devices make their way into our homes. By using a few of these tactics, you can then begin to boost your online visibility and rank successfully across multiple platforms.

Whether you are looking to implement an AI to refresh an existing or brand new campaign, there are a number of benefits that can help you influence Google’s complex algorithm in your favour. So, after reading all this, do you think you will be trying your hand at using AI technology in the near future?