Apple Introduces New AirPods With Hearing Aid Features

In an effort to address global hearing health challenges, Apple has launched new features for its AirPods Pro that allow them to act as hearing aids, while also offering users the ability to perform their own hearing tests.

With over 1.5 billion people worldwide experiencing hearing loss, according to the World Health Organization, Apple’s new AirPods Pro aims to provide a more accessible, cost-effective solution for those with mild to moderate hearing loss.

Do-it-Yourself Hearing Test

One key feature of the AirPods Pro is the introduction of a self-administered hearing test, based on the clinical method of pure-tone audiometry. This test, which users can complete in just five minutes at home, offers insights into their hearing abilities.

The test results are displayed in the Health app, where they can be stored securely and shared with healthcare providers. This feature is designed to help people become more aware of potential hearing problems before they worsen.

AirPods Can Serve as Hearing Aids

In addition to the hearing test, the new AirPods Pro come with built-in Hearing Aid capabilities. Using a personalized hearing profile, the device dynamically adjusts the sound around the user in real time, boosting specific sounds like speech, making it easier to engage in conversations.

According to Apple, this feature was validated through a controlled study comparing it to traditional hearing aids, highlighting its effectiveness.

Image of New AirPods Pro that act as hearing aids.

Image from Apple Inc. adapted by Market Business News.

Safeguarding Hearing Health

Apple’s new Hearing Protection tool also plays a significant role in safeguarding hearing health. Research shows that exposure to loud noise, such as at concerts or on public transport, can lead to long-term hearing damage.

The AirPods Pro use advanced technology to reduce harmful environmental noise while maintaining the clarity of important sounds, helping users protect their ears.

These innovations are part of Apple’s broader strategy to provide accessible hearing health solutions.

  • Apple Watch Noise App

Beyond the AirPods Pro, the Noise app on the Apple Watch warns users when noise levels in their surroundings reach harmful levels. Users can also set headphone volume limits on their iPhones to prevent hearing damage from excessive noise exposure.

Apple’s focus on hearing health extends its reputation for developing accessible technology. Sarah Herrlinger, Apple’s senior director of Global Accessibility Policy, emphasized that the new AirPods Pro features are aimed at creating more awareness around hearing loss and providing users with customizable tools to help them stay connected.

These advancements mark a significant step toward addressing the hearing health needs of millions, offering both preventative and assistive solutions to improve quality of life.