The basics of SEO

SEO is becoming a necessary skill for entrepreneurs and business owners. Problem is – it can seem extremely complicated when you first start learning about it. To make it easier, this article will teach you the basic things you need to know about SEO.

Is SEO really important for your website 000

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Internal Links

Creating links to your own website from within your own site is called ‘internal linking‘. It’s an extremely powerful way to get more traffic because search engines use internal links as a factor in ranking web pages on the results page.

To do it, you just have to create links on your homepage and then link each individual page by using similar words at the beginning of each sentence (e.g. “get in touch” or “About Us”). This is just one example of how you can maximize your SEO via internal links.

External Links

External links are links that send traffic to your site from another site, rather than a page on the same domain. It’s another effective way of getting more people to see your content – even if it is off-topic. This one requires some work though because you need people to link back to your website or blog post. There are multiple ways to get external links to your website. Check out Internal Vs External Linking For SEO Writing for more information.

Content is King

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This is a phrase that was used extensively in the early days of SEO. It still rings true today, but the way it’s applied has evolved to include more advanced SEO techniques. These days, you can get content on your site by using video and photo sources. Some people also prefer infographics over regular articles (they seem to collect links faster).

Don’t be fooled into thinking that visuals have taken away from the importance of text though – they just add an extra dimension to your website. The key here is to remember that regardless of what type of content you choose, make sure it’s high quality. No one will bother linking back or sharing your content if it’s useless or inaccurate!

Meta Descriptions and Headlines

Meta descriptions and headlines are another relatively basic SEO technique that can produce big results. Meta descriptions basically show up when someone does a Google search with ‘’. The same thing applies to the headline of your blog posts – it shows up in Google’s SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

You should use each to describe what your page is about. This is useful for two reasons. First, it gives you an opportunity to link back to your main site or blog post by using a keyword related to its contents. Secondly, Google will display this description in their results so people have more information before they visit your website.

User Experience

A lot of people like to say that SEO is dead. The reason they say this is because search engines are focusing more on user experience these days. They’re trying their best to determine the quality of sites based strictly on content, and not on other factors such as meta descriptions or keyword density (when you stuff keywords into your article).

However, there are still ways to influence search engine results – usually, it just takes a little extra effort. For example, writing genuinely helpful articles about topics related to your business can help your site rank better in Google’s rankings.

This can also be an opportunity for more engagement with visitors to your website!

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