8 Tips to Find the Best Strata & Property Disputes Lawyer

There are millions of property disputes cases now and then and so it is crucial to choose the best strata lawyer to help in resolving your problem. Choosing a good lawyer can be achieved through research to help you make an informed decision. Well, we know that settling the disputes can be time-consuming. Still, If you are looking forward to settling a dispute, then you need to choose the best strata specialist lawyer to take you through the process successfully.

To begin with, develop a list of potential candidates by talking to trusted sources like people who can refer you to a reputable strata lawyer. You can talk to other property owners who have interacted with strata specialist lawyers and pen down their recommendations. Further, you can check out law firms from the websites, online resources, bar associations and other referral networks. You can use the list you generate to narrow down to the best strata lawyer using the following eight tips suggested by Streeterlaw, strata lawyer in Sydney.

Is your lawyer a specialist - Best Strata & Property Disputes Lawyer

Image created by Market Business News.

1. Ensure you choose a specialist lawyer

It is crucial to ensure you choose a specialist lawyer since it could be the marginal difference in winning or losing your case. Lawyers have specialties, and it is beneficial to choose the lawyer who has specialized in property disputes at large. A strata specialist lawyer will be up to date with the latest developments and legal nuances applicable to your problem.

2. The appropriate level of experience

You need to make sure the lawyer has the appropriate level of experience and has a good track record of success with your type of problem. You can generally check the length of service, and the number of disputes cases your lawyer has resolved. This information can be available on their website. Be sure to ask for a reference from the previous property disputes cases.

3. A good communicator

The lawyer must be a good communicator when in person and on emails. It would be best if you worked with someone who can articulate your questions and address them promptly and confidently without having to consult a third party. They should be able to communicate with you courteously, in a very organized and understandable manner.

4. Professional

A good lawyer must be very professional in the way they present themselves; from how they dress, returns telephone calls and clients emails, respecting everyone and punctuality in meetings. They should display an in-depth passion for protecting your interest by upping your problem ready to find a winning solution.

5.  Understands local laws and procedures

You can consider a lawyer who is familiar in your region and understands local laws and procedures, including the personalities of the local judicial and administrative authorities. It is suitable for you to note that face-to-face communication will be better, and so having a strata specialist lawyer close enough to resolve the problem smoothly will benefit you.

6. Clearly defines responsibility for your case

Ensure the lawyer clearly defines responsibility for your case by ensuring that they inform you fully on who will handle your case at all the stages. The strategy may differ from a small firm to a big firm, wherein a small farm you might deal directly with one strata specialist lawyer while a big farm you may work with several strata lawyers.

7. Information they provide

Identify the depth of your problem so that you understand if you need a small, medium or large law firm. It is essential because if you have complex disputes involving different regions in your country, you might need to consider a large firm. Large firms have more resources to assist you; for example, you can have an information retrieval system at a large firm but face a few challenges in a small farm.

8. The cost of hiring

Finally make sure you are comfortable with the amount of money you are putting in the case. Consider the cost of hiring the strata specialist lawyer, any travel costs, mailing, copying and any other costs you might incur. You can compare the rates of different strata lawyers and make sure you have assured value for your money. Keep it in your mind that a high fee does not equate to a more qualified lawyer, and also rock-bottom fee may signal problems.