5 Businesses That Benefit from Mapping Software

Data mapping software provides invaluable geospatial data, and businesses can utilize this data to analyze markets on a national, regional, and local scale.

Geo-mapping software transforms location-based data maps into color-coded visualizations – providing businesses with valuable customer information. But there are other benefits, too.

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With geospatial data, deliveries are dispatched efficiently, business costs are reduced, marketing strategies improve, emergency services arrive quicker, and law enforcement officials get the upper hand.

1. Wholesale Distribution Companies

Distribution companies in the wholesale sector can utilize geospatial mapping for sales territory management and increased client satisfaction.

With geospatial mapping data, distributors can visualize where their customers are located and perform market analysis.

The mapping data enables them to see where the hottest markets are – as well as which areas are underserved, and which are oversaturated. This means that wholesalers can accurately calculate how much of an item to supply and reduce their losses.

Mapping information can also positively affect customer service because geospatial data allows wholesalers to deliver goods to retailers more efficiently by providing information on the fastest routes to take during delivery hours.

2. Insurance

Mapping software is a powerful tool for insurance companies because it allows them to analyze their clients, as well as the streets and neighborhoods they serve.

By supplementing mapping data with demographic data, insurance companies can see which areas are more densely populated with clients who are more likely to file claims. Mapping data enables insurance companies to decide which areas carry a higher-risk, and which areas should carry higher premiums.

Mapping data also allows insurance companies to see which areas or neighborhoods have an unusually high record of claim anomalies, including false and questionable claims.

With this data, insurance companies can look for factors that may have causal links to fraud, such as education and income, and make informed decisions when assessing risk.


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Geospatial data from mapping software is particularly useful within the HVAC sector because it allows HVAC companies to define areas where residents or businesses will likely need their services.

Another advantage of mapping software is that it also allows HVAC companies to access specific location data to determine which areas are most likely to experience service disruptions due to power outages.

In areas with the highest number of power disruptions, HVAC companies can better manage their resources to service high-priority clients – for instance, instead of having service personnel at one central location, they can anticipate the areas that will need service the most and mobilize their resources accordingly.

Map symbolizations in geo-mapping, such as heat mapping and area color-shading, allow HVAC companies to see which areas use the most air conditioning and heat, as well as which areas have the highest energy bills and the most HVAC maintenance issues per season.

This information can also be used to determine which areas are the most lucrative when it comes to service calls.

4. Legal Offices

Geo-mapping software programs have proved to be extremely beneficial to offices of law. Lawyers and attorneys can fine-tune their marketing and perform analyses based on geo-mapping data, and law enforcement agencies can adjust their coverage accordingly.

Attorneys have access to ZIP code profiles, which helps them determine which areas have individuals who are likely to need their services.

Data mapping allows lawyers to identify areas with higher crime rates, and categorize areas by what types of crimes are committed there – which is invaluable information for criminal lawyers. With this data, lawyers can target their marketing in the right area and at the right demographic.

Similarly, lawyers in other areas can perform an analysis of the data provided by geo-mapping according to what they specialize in. For instance, a bankruptcy lawyer could use business type and financial history information from geo-mapping to identify those who need their services.

Law enforcement agencies can also reap the benefits of data mapping by creating maps of areas with the highest crime rates. These maps could also include overlays with historical data, such as what time of day crimes are most likely to occur. By using this data, police departments can deploy more staff in areas that have historically needed more coverage.

5. Medical Businesses

Geo-mapping programs help medical businesses better serve their communities. Map overlays can help emergency medical technicians better plot their routes by analyzing where the most traffic is in any given area.

Mapping data overlays can help EMTs make decisions based on information about the fastest and shortest routes in an area, how congested they are at any given time of the day, and if there are any alternative routes.