Can AI Humanizers Mimic Human Speech? Here’s What You Need to Know

More than 35% of us are now using AI to create content. AI writers keep improving, and for those who’ve learned to use prompts, the output quality is even better. But we’re a long way from creating content that is indistinguishable from what a human would write. It’s the patterns, the overworked, stiff word choices and the bloated sentences that give it away. Tools like Conch AI, an AI detector and humanizer, aim to make AI-generated text sound more natural and human-like, helping it become undetectable AI.

We think of ChatGPT as the industry leader

While we tend to look to ChatGPT as raising the bar on AI writers, an article in Search Engine Journal identifies 11 disadvantages of this AI writing assistant. It’s the unnatural phrase construction that gives it away. ChatGPT also lacks the ability to provide insights and expression. It’s content without a soul–none of the experiences and examples that make for good storytelling. This is where AI humanizer tools like getconch come in, to transform stiff AI-generated content into engaging, human-like content that can bypass AI detection algorithms.

The fascinating paradox of our AI content

AI is making us feel like we just can’t get away with anything!

I’m constantly reminded that we embraced AI writers to make our jobs easier. Now no one wants AI content. Enter a laundry list of AI plagiarism detectors like Turnitin, GPTZero and other AI detection tools to identify that AI content and content that has been paraphrased. Plagiarism is stealing ideas, so just rewriting a paragraph by rearranging the sentences and swapping out some words with synonyms is still stealing, and plagiarism detectors like Turnitin know this. These apps are all vying for market share, with some promising an audacious 99% accuracy rate in AI content detection using advanced natural language processing, despite the AI detection challenges posed by advancing AI detection bypass tools.

Can you blame them? AI-written content is a total snooze!

  1. It’s stiff and boring.
  2. It violates every best practice for good website content.
  3. Acronyms and terms never get defined.
  4. There are no examples, personal experiences, use cases and data that make content interesting and relatable to draw users in.

And that’s where humanizing comes in. These AI humanizer tools like Conch AI, Conch AI detector and AI rewriter, are specially designed to humanize AI-generated text, making it seem as if it was crafted by a real person, with AI humanizer features that can produce undetectable AI. Just as the AI detection tools keep getting better, so do the “humanizers”. Think of it as an arms race that affects AI detection results.

How to humanize AI content

Add personal experiences, anecdotes and examples–the number one thing that helps you stand out from the sea of AI-generated content.

  • Do use contractions, and write short sentences and paragraphs that are easy to follow and understand.
  • Don’t be shy. Share an opinion. If they agree with you, you may have just built a relationship. If not, what have you lost?
  • Tap into the emotions of your audience–appeal to their pain and meet them on a visceral level.

  • If you’re using an AI essay writer, learn to use prompts. For each question, ask for detailed information.

  • Start rethinking the role of your AI writer. It’s a valuable tool as a research assistant rather than a writer.

  • Fact check for AI writing and edit liberally. AI content is a draft that’s not meant to be shared.

  • The last step: Run it through an AI content checker or AI detection remover like an AI checker and humanizer.

Now we have humanizing apps that are great for those whose writing may be stiff or too academic. Most of us live pretty casually, so we try for a conversational tone.

Let’s take a look at a leading humanizer, Conch AI

Start with a free sign in with Google, and drop a few sentences into a search field. Conch’s AI detection-bypass algorithms go to work humanizing your text. Within seconds, you’ll be rewarded with revised text that is more human-like than what you started with. The revised content will still retain your thoughts and originality. 

I logged into the free version of Conch AI, and, like all of these AI apps, it is easy to use. I dropped some text into a field and asked Conch to find instances of content that were generated by AI. I had written this myself, so this came up negative. I grabbed some text from an old document that I knew may have had some AI text and tried this. Sure enough, Conch flagged this for plagiarism and AI.

If you’re a writer who really struggles to write in a conversational tone, this app may be for you. Keep in mind that it’s a full-suite writing assistant, so it’s also checking your grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It’s helping you write better on a number of levels.

Conch AI Checker has gained attention for its ability to act as an AI humanizer

Conch’s mission is to help writers create content that feels natural and authentic. Even as we keep adding more AI marketing tools, something we don’t talk much about are the ethical considerations and limitations of content that’s shared, stolen, reworded, enhanced, manipulated and uploaded using AI text generation and AI detection bypass tools. The consequences are significant, and one of these days they’re going to surface. 

Conch AI functionality in a standalone AI assistant

Conch AI Checker is a full suite of tools that streamlines the entire writing process, from initial drafts to final edits. Conch AI is meant to be used throughout the writing lifecycle–not as a standalone app in conjunction with other AI content creation tools.

Conch AI:

    • Addresses grammar, word choice, and syntax.
    • Has an auto-completion feature that suggests suitable words that can spark new ideas and help keep the writing process moving forward.
    • Offers paraphrasing and rewriting tools, allowing users to polish and enhance their writing to create compelling SEO content.
    • Its style-checking capabilities identify and correct errors, contributing to overall writing quality.
  • Is multimodal.
  • Identifies plagiarism and content that’s been paraphrased. It also works like an ai essay tool and optimizes content for SEO, making this a very versatile stealth humanizer and essay humanizer.
  • Has a document summarization feature that auto-summarizes lengthy texts.
  • Integrates with Google Docs and MS Word, which means it seamlessly fits into existing workflows.

Ethics and the AI detector industry

The AI industry is moving so quickly, and in many cases, there are no guardrails. AI detectors inevitably will produce false positives. It doesn’t take much imagination to see how this can snowball and become litigious. This will dog the AI detector industry as it struggles to keep up with advancing AI text humanizer capabilities. As a humanizer AI, Conch helps create more natural-sounding keyword-rich content, but along with this, it raises questions about authenticity in writing.

AI detection with humanizer Conch AI

Conch is a full-suite AI assistant. It was launched in 2023, and continues its development, focusing on refining its writing assistant. Conch AI Checker has proven to be a game-changer in the world of digital writing assistance. It does more than identify opportunities to warm up your content. It’s a full-service ai checker essay tool with a wide range of features, from grammar checking to plagiarism detection to make content ai undetectable. Conch AI affects writing workflows and content quality. One example of this is the “Next Sentence” button


Conch AI offers both free and paid subscription options.

  • The Free Plan includes limited monthly usage and access to basic features.
  • The Pro Plan is available for $9.99 per month and offers unlimited usage and full access to all features.

The Next Sentence button is weird. It lets you review one sentence at a time. To be more efficient, users should be able to include an entire page to be scanned and analyzed rather than just a sentence. Future updates may include this improvement to workflow. This kind of challenge is common to every tech startup. They need to triage application enhancements and development as they work to improve the user experience.

Integration: Key for financial services, healthcare and other sectors

Conch AI is a new competitor in the AI detector space. The company is expected to continue to integrate with emerging technologies. This integration could affect industries like healthcare, finance, and customer service.


While Conch AI Checker offers numerous benefits, keep in mind that there are ethical considerations and potential limitations associated with AI-powered writing tools. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see further improvements and new features that address current challenges. Conch AI Checker is a powerful digital writer for content creators, helping them to produce high-quality, original content that can bypass AI detection.


Janet Peischel is a writer and SEO specialist, the owner of Top of Mind Marketing. She’s helping her clients develop sustainable SEO strategies. She lives in Sonoma, CA. Contact Janet for a free SEO audit. Jumpstart your SEO strategy today!  510.292.1843.

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