Covid-19 workers compensation for healthcare workers

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected most industries across the United States in one way or another. Many have been forced to shut down due to quarantine, while others have had to reinvent their services completely to stay afloat.

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Image created by Market Business News.

However, the most affected industry is undoubtedly the healthcare industry. Medical professionals are the first responders in this scenario, and because of that, they put their lives at risk daily to save those who contracted the virus. There is no doubt that the real heroes of this disastrous phenomenon are the healthcare workers. But what happens if a doctor, nurse, or paramedic catches the virus in the line of duty? Will they have to pay for their own medical care, or will they be able to receive compensation to cover it?

These questions are especially critical in California, the most infected state (by December 2020) in the United States with over 1.8 million infections. If you are a California healthcare professional, you should know that the law considers Covid-19 infections to be an occupational disease, unless your employer can prove that you were not infected at work. This means that if you catch Covid-19 on the job, you will be able to get workers’ compensation benefits.

However, getting fair compensation can be more complicated than it seems, and everything becomes even more complex if you have to deal with such an unpredictable illness at the same time. Insurance companies may take advantage of your desperation, and offer you minimal compensation to save a few cents. Here’s a tip: Don’t let them get away with it.

If you work in Los Angeles (the most infected county in California), you should know that the most efficient and effective way to increase your chances of getting the maximum compensation possible for your case is to work with a Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorney, and C&B Law Group can be an excellent option.

C&B Law Group is a workers’ compensation law firm composed of excellent legal professionals, who have the knowledge and expertise to defend your rights in the midst of such an atypical situation. If you want to know more about how C&B Law Group can help you, contact them now for a free consultation.

Who are at risk?

Although health professionals often take the necessary precautions, such as wearing facemasks at all times and washing their hands frequently, due to the nature of their work, sometimes it will be impossible for them to avoid infection. Those more likely to be exposed to Covid-19 at work include:

  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Nurses assistants
  • Orderlies
  • Medical Transport
  • Laboratory technicians
  • Hospital administration and staff

What benefits can you expect?

Workers’ compensation will help you stay afloat while you recover from your illness. Workers’ compensation benefits include:

  • Lost wages.
  • Medical bills.
  • Rehabilitation costs.
  • Temporary disability benefits
  • Permanent disability benefits.

Covid-19 is a fairly unpredictable virus. You may be completely asymptomatic after catching it, and simply have to stay home until it is safe to go out again. However, you may also experience more severe symptoms, such as high fever, headaches, conjunctivitis, tiredness, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, chest pains, and even loss of speech or movement. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, you may need more money to treat your illness.

Remember this: You’re not alone!

Falling ill with Covid-19 can be exasperating and frustrating, especially when you are struggling to get the money required to pay for much-needed medical treatment. However, you don’t have to deal with this on your own. Working with a Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorney will give you back some of your peace of mind, and allow you to focus on your recovery.

The team of experienced attorneys at C&B Law Group is always available to you, and they are prepared to help you through this difficult time in your life. This law firm offers completely free consultations and they work 24/7, feel free to contact them whenever you want.

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Interesting related article: “What is Compensation?”