Data Analytics & Other Digital Skills for Modern Business

Data analytics article 494949494It’s a known fact that in today’s busy business climate, it’s digital technology that’s leading the way where innovation is concerned. With so many innovations released in the last decade that help businesses drive efficiency, cut corners and shed unnecessary manpower or costs, it’s the primary driver of profits in the world of business in 2019. For a worker in a company – whether at managerial level or entry-level – literacy with these new and emerging technologies is paramount to your success as an employee. This article talks through some of the most important digital skills you’ll, therefore, need to make an impression in a modern business.


Granted, the likes of Microsoft Excel have been around for more than ten years, but the ability to code ever more interesting data into the program, and watch as it crunches the data to give you impressive and much-needed business data, is a key skill in the business world. Used for finances especially – including budgeting and forecasting – modern business simply cannot do without the rigid would of the spreadsheet and its many uses across a company’s requirements.

Digital Correspondence

You’ll, of course, be familiar with e-mail. The form of communication revolutionized how businesses on opposite sides of the world were able to communicate with each other, making for a new globalized marketplace, with near-instantaneous communications zipping all the way across the world every day. Nowadays, there are plenty more modes of communication that take place in the digital realm – such as video conference calls and quick app chats – both of which are readily used in the business environment. Getting acquainted with how these work is a crucial step towards becoming a good digital worker in 2019 and beyond.

Data Analytics

Returning to the theme of data – which, after all, is powering this current industrial revolution – one of the most important skills to learn is data analytics. By picking up your online data analytics certificate, you’ll be making sure that you have all the skills you need to read patterns in data, whether you apply that knowledge in the marketing department or in the future planning team. Being savvy with data, and knowing the different ways in which it can be interpreted, will set you apart from the crowd when looking for jobs, and will make you an incredibly useful and important employee after you gain this certificate.

Web Design

Whether it is the website of your own company, or that of some of your favorite brands; websites are constantly changing. That’s because the requirements to keep websites fresh and exciting are always changing, resulting in a crowded internet full of exciting websites that need to morph into the latest styles and forms to stay relevant in the digital climate. Your business will be no different, and as such a very crucial individual in your company will be that person who has the skills to code a website and redesign elements of your webpage in order to attract more business to your site.