Deep Cleaning Services: More essential than before

Is your business operating during this Covid-19 pandemic? Sanitizing, cleansing and disinfecting to keep your space free of the virus is likely to be your primary concern.

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Protect your staff and clients from Covid-19 and win their confidence while they work or seek services from your premises. According to CDC guidance for mitigation strategies, if your business operations were interrupted or resuming normalcy, you ought to implement and continually update a plan that is:

  • Tailored to your work place
  • Identify all the work areas and tasks with high exposure to the covid-19 virus
  • Incorporate controls to reduce or eliminate Covid-19 exposure.

What challenges will you face when you decide to clean and disinfect?

Cleaning and disinfecting in the face in the face of Covid-19, goes beyond using with soap and water. However, if you decide to do it yourself, here are some few guidelines.

How to clean and disinfect your premises

Routine Cleaning
  • Always wear disposable gloves when cleaning.
  • Spotlessly clean surfaces using water and soap then disinfect.
  • Adapt a routine cleaning of surfaces that are frequently touched. Such surfaces include tables, counter tops, phones, switches, doorknobs, toilets, and faucets.

While disinfecting it is advisable to read and follow the instructions on the label. This will ensure safe and effective use of the product. When disinfecting, follow these guidelines:

  • Keep the surface wet before fumigating
  • Wear protective disposable gloves
  • Keep the area well ventilated during the time you will use the disinfecting product
  • Only use the amount directed on the product label
  • Do not mix the disinfectant with other chemical substances.

Electronics in the office could include touch screens, keyboards, remote controls and ATMs. To clean them follow the manufacturer’s instructions. In case there are no such instructions, use alcohol based sprays and then pat dry. The spray should have at least 70% alcohol.

When not in use, consider placing an easy-to-wipe cover on these gadgets.

Cloth items

To clean towels, and other such items:

  • Wear quality disposable gloves when doing laundry especially when dealing with clothes of a sick person.
  • Use warm water and dry the laundry completely.
  • Avoid shaking dirty or dusty laundry.
  • Clean and disinfect laundry according to the manufacturer’s instructions

Why do you need professional cleaning services?

1. Professional disinfection and sterilization understands office dynamics

Cleaning is more than using soap and water. Combination of disinfectants techniques ensures that no area is skipped during ordinary cleaning. These techniques include fogging, surface cleaning and surface spraying.

Fogging is the technique that releases disinfecting substance in a steady stream of cleansing droplets into the air. The spray settles onto the surfaces, cracks and crevices that other cleaning methods can’t reach.  This way all dirt, viruses and bacteria are dealt with reducing the risk of Covid-19 and other diseases.

2. Professional crews minimize risks of infections

Apart from just wearing gloves and masks, professional crew are trained to wear, use, remove and dispose personal protective equipment (PPE). Your staff may not adequately protect themselves as they clean.

Need cleaning and disinfection Services?

If you need specialized, deep cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection for your office, call the experts. Contact Easy Clean Easy for professional service. Call us on 1 300 327 925.

Interesting related article: “Cleaning and disinfecting offices.”