Different Types of Solar Panels

Contemplating green energy? You are not alone! More people are opting for solar panels to lower their energy expenses. Even better, solar panels contribute to a cleaner environment by lowering your carbon footprint. And you can finally free yourself from the undependable and costly fossil fuels. Unsure about the rooftop and ground-mounted solar installations? Read on for their pros and cons.

Advantages of Rooftop Solar Panels

Renewable Source of Energy

Solar installation is your best shot at generating renewable energy. Solar power systems use up the sun’s free and clean energy, reducing your carbon emissions.

Cut down Your Utility Bills

The cost of living increases by the day. And if you’re like many people, you would welcome an opportunity to reduce your bills. Installing solar systems on your roof is a great solution. This is especially true if you make the right purchase and have an expert installation. Paying attention to your energy needs allows you to choose the ideal solar panel size. This way, you can reduce your bills significantly and earn income from any surplus electricity produced and supplied to the grid. This is known as ‘feed-in-tariff.’

Boost Your Property Value

Searching for a way to increase your property’s value? A rooftop solar panel system adds value to any property. A 5kW solar panel system boosts a $29,000 value.

Little Maintenance

Rooftop panels don’t require much effort from the owner other than keeping them clean. After the upfront costs, you can still expect minimum spending on maintenance and repairs.

Control Over Power Outages

Electricity from the grid is prone to blackouts. A rooftop solar system for a home with a battery system puts your energy needs in your hands. The larger the storage, the better! It guarantees electricity during outages.

Low Cost of Installation

Solar installation costs have dropped by 23% in the last five years. In addition, there are financial aids to help with the cost.

Disadvantages of Rooftop Solar Panels

Not Ideal for All Roofs

The installation involves a mounting system to attach it to your roof. However, some roofing materials pose challenges for solar installers. This is especially true for cedar and slate tiles. Rooftop additions like skylights and roof decks also make the installation process costly.

Not Ideal If you Are About to Move

It may be daunting to install a rooftop solar if you intend to move in the next few years. This means it may not pay back your investment. But since it boosts the property value, the costs can be transferred to the selling price.

The Costs May Be Expensive Upfront

There is no doubt that a solar purchase and installation can be expensive. Find out the financing options available for your area, with the possibility of zero-down solar loans.

Ground-mounted Solar Systems

If rooftop solar systems are not for you, their ground-mounting alternatives could be perfect. This is often the case for suburban and rural homes. These panels are placed around your property and, in most cases, the backyard. They can be arranged in varying ways, the most common being the standard or fixed ground mount system and the pole mount solar system.


Perfect for Suburban and Rural Environments

If your yard is free of any obstruction, this system is ideal. There should be no buildings, trees, and fences nearby. Still, your installation depends on the electricity you need. A 10kW panel may need up to 1000square feet.

Better flexibility in the Orientation of the Angle

The pitch can be a setback for rooftop systems. This doesn’t apply to the ground systems. The backyard panels can easily be put up to seize more energy. However, the appropriate angle varies from state to state and even changes over the seasons. It can be moved when the need arises.

Higher Level of Energy Production

They can be oriented to the best angle for maximum efficiency on the ground. The higher the quality of the panels, the higher the energy output. The most reliable systems boast 22% to 23% efficiency. That means you can save more power.

Fewer Safety Risks

Solar roofing is susceptible to hazards like lightning, which can result in electrical fires and damage. Ground mount systems are safer from such strikes. However, problems may occur due to ageing.


High Initial and Installation Costs

Labour costs include making the terrain and installing the anchoring system for the poles or metal scaffold. This alone can quickly add up the costs. Additionally, you need a solar tracking system. However, the system will eventually pay for itself.

Restricted to Unobstructed Land

Those with small acres of land may not be suitable candidates for the ground mount system. It needs vast and unobstructed land based on the system needed.

Unsafe from Children and Animals

If you have kids and animals who move around the yard, it may pose a risk to your panels. You can prevent this by installing an enclosure.


Solar energy is a great way to boost your energy independence. It’s also ideal for both commercial and residential applications. Evaluate the pros and cons of the above systems before making a choice. Most importantly, establish your electricity needs for the best system and have a highly experienced team do the installation for maximum output.

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