Finding an Easy Way to Lose Weight: 4 Pro Tips

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A recent poll shows 28% of Americans weigh over 200 pounds. If you’re overweight you already know how frustrating it can be trying to shed a few pounds. However, what if it didn’t have to be that way?

If you want to lose weight, and fast, you’re going to love this article. Read on to learn about the easy way to lose weight.

1. Eat Lean Protein

Building muscles is an easy way to lose weight and keep it off. However, working out alone isn’t enough to make your muscles big and strong.

You’ll also need to add lean protein to your diet to get the results you want. A great place to start adding in lean protein is by eating lean meats.

According to the USDA a 3.5 ounce of meat is lean if it has:

  • Under 10 grams of total fat
  • Under 4.5 grams of saturated fat
  • Under 95 milligrams cholesterol

In addition to eating lean meats, almonds are also a great source of lean protein.

2. Drink More Water

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Before, during, and after a workout, you should be drinking water. Not only will you keep yourself hydrated, but you’ll also boost your body’s fat-burning abilities.

Another advantage of drinking water is that you’ll be satisfying your thirst with a zero-calorie drink that doesn’t have any sugar. Finally, consider trying a weight loss juice cleanse to help jumpstart your new fitness regime.

3. Keep a Positive Mindset

If you’re a results-driven person, you’ll want to care about how you approach your weight loss goals. Everyone’s body is different. While losing weight may come easily for some people, other people find the pounds take longer to melt away.

Whatever pace your body is moving at, make sure you’re keeping a positive mindset. Create goals that aren’t all weight-related. Instead, have goals like waking 5 times a week, or cutting out sugar. The main idea is to make your goals things you have direct control over.

4. Find an Accountability Partner

Ask a friend or family member to be your accountability partner on your fitness journey. Let your accountability partner know what your fitness goals are, and how you’re going to work towards achieving them.

Next, set up a weekly or bi-weekly phone call to review your progress. Make sure you pick an accountability partner you can be honest with.

We find it works best if your partner is also someone who’s working towards a fitness goal. This way you can both serve a source of support for each other on your separate journeys.

Choose the Easy Way to Lose Weight

Now you know the easy way to lose weight! What tip will you be using to reach your fitness goals?

Will you start drinking more water? Or are you going to add more lean protein to your diet?

Whatever tip you decide to follow, don’t wait to start investing in your health. For more ways to invest in yourself, check out another one of our articles.

Interesting related article: “What is Health?