Editor’s Choice

Will property prices go down in 2022?

Will property prices go down in 2022?

Unfortunately, there is no definite answer to this question, as the property market is a notoriously volatile one. However, there…

Avianca files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

Avianca, one of the largest companies in Latin America, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the US Southern District of…

Model shows how to make farm-based sustainable energy projects more profitable

Researchers have created a new model that could help increase investment in farm-based sustainable energy projects by predicting whether or…

Biodiversity is an economically relevant factor of production for farmers

According to a new paper published in the journal Nature Communications, biodiversity is an economically relevant factor of production for…

Netflix limits network bandwidth in Europe amid coronavirus

Streaming giant Netflix has temporarily limited network bandwidth in Europe by 25% amid a surge in demand for its streamable…

Uber reports 28% increase in number of trips in Q4 2019

Ride-hailing giant Uber reported a 28% increase in the number of trips made on the platform in the last quarter…

China cutting tariffs by half on 1,717 US goods

China plans on cutting tariffs by half on 1,717 goods it imports from the US as part of a Phase…

University of Tokyo researchers create algorithm that predicts consumer purchases

Researchers at the University of Tokyo have created an algorithm that analyzes social media data to predict consumer purchases. The…

Making an effort to display positive emotions at work leads to higher levels of productivity

According to a new study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, authentic behavior at work leads to higher levels…

China to inject economy with $174 billion amid coronavirus outbreak

China's central bank will inject the Chinese economy with $174 billion on Monday amid growth fears from the impact of…