Editor’s Choice

2D shape-changing sheet – a catalytic flying carpet

2D shape-changing sheet – a catalytic flying carpet

Researchers have created a two-dimensional, shape-changing sheet that moves about like a flying carpet. It moves autonomously in a reactant-filled…

Parents’ work life can affect the health of children

Most studies have looked at children's effect on worker performance, but not the other way round. In other words, we…

How the brain learns by talking to itself and AI development

Observing how the brain learns by talking to itself could be valuable for AI development, say researchers. Scientists have uncovered…

New artificial intelligence predicts symptoms of cancer patients

Researchers have developed a new artificial intelligence that could give doctors a head start in treating cancer patients. The AI…

New way to revolutionize graphene printed electronics

A team of scientists has found a low-cost method of producing graphene printed electronics. The method speeds up and reduces…

3D printing used to predict how leaky heart valves are

Using 3D printing, researchers can now predict how leaky heart valves are. They created a new integrated workflow that improves…

Heavy drinkers trying to stop smoking should drink less booze

If your New Year's resolution is to stop smoking, and you are a heavy drinker, drink less booze. Heavy drinkers…

MIT launches additive manufacturing consortium ADAPT

MIT has launched ADAPT, an additive manufacturing consortium. ADAPT stands for the Center for Additive and Digital Advanced Production Technologies.…

First performance 3D printer – Method, launched by MakerBot

Pioneer of desktop 3D printing, MakerBot, has introduced Method, the first performance 3D printer. Performance 3D printers bridge the gap…

Dry January leads to weight loss, better skin, and more energy, study shows

A new study found that those who took part in Dry January enjoyed better health and saved money. People also…