Editor’s Choice

Voice-activated devices need to be more toddler friendly

Voice-activated devices need to be more toddler friendly

What happens when toddlers talk to voice-activated devices? What happens, for example, when a small child talks to Echo, Alexa,…

Major lupus study of 8 major markets 2016 to 2026

A new comprehensive lupus study includes a disease overview, diagnosis, and prognosis over a ten-year period ending in 2026. Lupus,…

Is it time for a climate change tax?

A climate change tax would charge businesses and individuals for the harm that their emissions caused. It would follow the…

Tech giant Facebook still a leader in spite of stock slump

Tech giant Facebook is still a global leader, in spite of its late July share value slump. The sharp decline…

Materialistic media makes us less sympathetic to poverty

Materialistic media exposure makes us less sympathetic to the plight of people who live in poverty. It also makes us…

Heart problems among newly diagnosed lupus patients

Many newly-diagnosed lupus patients have the warning signs of potential heart problems, a team of scientists in China discovered. Heart…

Fishing fleets traveling more but catching less

Industrial fishing fleets are traveling twice as far as they did nearly sixty-five years ago. They are also catching fewer…

Qualities of leadership – what sets leaders apart?

Leaders are much more willing to take responsibility for making decisions, especially those that affect other people's welfare. What determines…

Lupus affects more women than men. Why? New study explores

Lupus affects nine times more women than men. Experts know that lupus erythematosus, SLE, or lupus affects many more women than…

Beauty standards changing thanks to selfies and filters

Beauty standards have changed significantly over the past couple of decades. Thanks partly to the photo-editing technology of applications such…