Top Eight Commercial Relocation Challenges Any Company Could Face

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Remember that time when you moved into a new house? Quite the headache, right? Picture a similar scenario, except it is several folds more challenging. Unlike the average residential move, relocating your business is a tremendously taxing job.

While hiring professional commercial movers to ease the process, you are likely to face several challenges when moving. Extensive pre-planning and management skills are a necessity to tackle the hurdles you will face. Thus, here are some challenges you are likely to encounter on your move.

  • Productivity Loss

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Small or big business, you will require a few days to pack and move everything in the office, and then unpack the boxes as well. Productivity losses are unavoidable during this period. Therefore, most business owners prefer to conduct these activities on the weekends. Long weekends are even better, with more room for error and time to get the job done.

hough it goes without saying, packing up and moving on the weekends may cost you a bit more. Having the employees come over to help will require you to pay for overtime. Pre-booking your move is strongly recommended, considering the high demand for the moving companies on weekends.

To reduce the productivity losses by even the slightest, ask your employees to work from home during the move. Furthermore, be vigilant and consult your IT team for setting up a secure network for your employees to work remotely.

  • Budgeting

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Similar to how expensive a residential shift can be, expect to pay a lot more for your business. A tight budget will never suffice the move. Moreover, the charges shoot up if the destination is too far away. The moving process requires extensive and thorough research and planning.

Contacting your local moving company and getting a price quotation from them is a great start. Get in touch with other reputable movers as well and research the quality of service they provide. Most moving companies own digital websites, where you can see reviews left by customers who have tried their services. Shortlist some of the companies with the most positive feedback and start comparing the features and price they offer. Feel free to contact the service providers and negotiate a discount. Yes, it is possible!

  • Space Planning

A fast-growing company is likely to need expanding to maintain a suitable environment for the employees. The human psyche does not prefer clutter places. It negatively affects the productivity of an individual, stressing them in the long run. If your company has grown substantially, planning a move could be the right decision. A better workspace will provide your employees to perform significantly better. The results are likely to astound you.

However, adapting to a new space is not always that simple. Proper organizing is required, as well as knowledge of several components, such as electricity and telephone outlets. Setting a room for your dispenser and microwave also requires consideration.

  • Communication

Coordinating your team of employees will be a challenge in such situations. Although we suggest assigning a project manager, you can manage your workforce if you communicate well enough. Keep everyone posted regarding the move and the dates.

Reminding everyone over and over again can become annoying for both: you and the worker. Doing so can result in a tense and stressful environment that no business promotes. Hence, a simple way of tackling this issue is by placing notices around your office, along with the dates you move.

Your employees have every right to be well-informed regarding their new workspace. Planning a visit with your team and showing them the new office is a great initiative. Accept any suggestions they provide and consider acting on them. After all, your employees will be spending most of the time in the office.

  • Refurnishing

A new office means new furniture. Though your business may be flourishing, an overhaul of your office is may not be required. Refurnishing your office is bound to cost you a fortune, but keeping your old goodies may not suit the new interior. Thus, a balance between both is required. A mix of both new and old items is by far the best way to go.

So, selling off the worn-out furniture before the move would be a great decision. If your desks and chairs are too old-fashioned, then focusing on just changing that set of furniture is advised. However, throwing away the furniture in perfect condition would be a blunder.

  • Employee Turnover

Relocating inside the same city is likely not to affect your personnel negatively, as long as the public transit in range. Though moving to an entirely different city or state may result in several problems. You may see a few resignations and a decrease in your payroll. Your employees live different lifestyles and have their share of problems. Therefore, controlling their thoughts and decisions is not possible.

Moreover, establishing good communication with them will possibly help you handle the move effortlessly. You must hear out your employees and their concerns. Their satisfaction is likely to drive the business to greater heights.

  • Traffic Problems

Unless your business provides a boarding facility, your employees probably have to reach the office every day through set traffic. Moving to an extremely traffic-dense zone would affect the morale of your workers considerably. Furthermore, businesses that have outlets and depend on foot traffic are likely to see a change in their sales, for better or worse.

Dense traffic also means your supplier may have to be informed ahead of time to keep your inventory full. A delay in inventory replenishment can gravely affect your business. Hence, carefully considering the location of your move is crucial.

  • Customer-Base

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The clientele and customers determine the success of a business. Just like your employees, discussing the relocation plans with your clients is imperative. Inform your current customer-base of the new location, as well as the expected date for the move.

The address and time will allow the customers to stay loyal to you and continue to purchase your products from you. Nonetheless, getting in touch with your customers right away is firmly advised. While email is the general medium for contact, a phone call will likely prove more beneficial for your business.


Business relocation is undeniably the most troublesome process to endure, yet it is a necessity. The right set of decisions may serve as a boost your business needed. Although such decision-making requires ample research on your end, your employees’ opinions matter equally as much. Thus, be sure to take their suggestions and criticism as constructive feedback; after all, employees are the core of every business.