How To Become An Emergency Services Volunteer In Melbourne, Australia

Emergency service volunteers have been making an incredible impact over the last few years and continue to do so during the current pandemic. Many people do not realize that being an emergency service volunteer is a rewarding job on its own and far surpasses any monetary value that you can assign to a job.

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When last did you go to bed knowing that you possibly assisted in saving someone’s life? Being a volunteer allows you to feel a sense of immeasurable joy daily, and with first aid training courses being easily available nowadays, you can be even more effective.

What Can Be Classed as an Emergency Service?

When you think of emergency service providers, firefighters and roaring ambulances usually come to mind. However, sometimes assisting people who have become homeless due to an unavoidable crisis can also be a form of emergency service provision.

Despite the four main categories of emergency services being police, fire, EMS, and Coastguard, you are the one who decides on what type of emergencies you would like to assist.

Decide if This Voluntary Job is For You

An emergency services volunteer is someone with a keen interest in volunteering and being on the ball when an emergency arises. The volunteer must realize that having an interest in being a part of the emergency services is not enough. One must be solely committed to the responsibility that comes with gaining this voluntary post.

You don’t have to be someone extraordinary to volunteer but you need to realize that volunteering means that you as an ordinary person will have the chance to do extraordinary things. Are you ready for this responsibility?

Make Your Interest Known and Get Involved

If you’re sure that you understand your responsibilities as a volunteer and are ready to get involved, then make sure you apply soon. The reason you should apply as soon as possible is so that you can gain the necessary training and skills required to ready yourself for the job.

There are many emergency services that you can volunteer for in Australia and you need to choose the service that will be valuable for you by choosing an organization that you are certain you can add value to.

Applying to be a volunteer early and prior to crisis means that you will be geared up with all the needed procedures, principles, and practices for when an emergency does occur.

Some Volunteering Organizations That Require You in Australia

Australian Red Cross

This organization is based upon the idea of providing instant care to crisis victims. Some of the tasks volunteers perform include reuniting separated families and assisting with caring both physically and emotionally for the affected people.

St. John’s Ambulance

The idea behind this organization is to provide instant relief from distress through first aid. First aid training is also offered by the organization to community members. In the event of an emergency, St. John’s Ambulance responds by providing first aid and relief and rescue on the spot

Australian Coast Guard

This volunteering experience is quite an exhilarating one. Cost guards need to promote coastal safety through education, examples, and explaining to the public what is required. Rescuing people shipwrecked at sea is also part of your voluntary service.

Country Fire Association (CFA)

CFA is one of the largest firefighting associations made up of numerous volunteers who immediately respond to all types of fire. Being alert and knowing the correct firefighting measures when addressing house fires, road fires or even bush fires is essential.

Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES)

This organization as the name suggests provides salvation during a crisis. They cater to provide food services as well as support services to people who have been affected by the crisis. Having caring and compassionate bones is a must when volunteering to organizations such as the SAES.

The abovementioned organizations are but a few Australian emergency relief organizations that you might be interested in. There are many others. Before volunteering be sure to research all the available organizations to understand them better and gain a gist of what they do.

You can always ask for feedback from volunteers who form part of these organizations. Knowing what to expect before doing something allows you to be mentally prepared for the experience. Remember there is no better job than that of a volunteer!

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