Everything You Need To Know About Choosing An Industrial Filter Press

Modern industries rely on heavy-duty machinery. They are vital to producing the most cost-efficient and effective results. In addition, most industrial machines reduce the time taken to produce products and lower overall wastage.

The best filter presses, such as the cube, is a vital addition to several industries, including mining, concrete generation, and aggregates.

Of course, you need to choose the right industrial filter press.

Understanding How The Filter Press Works

A filter press is designed to separate liquids and solids. The process starts with slurry being fed into the machine. It is squeezed between specially designed filters that allow the liquid through but not any solids. The liquid generally passes through another filter to ensure any smaller particles are captured, leaving the pure liquid. This is often water, but can be used on a variety of liquids to ensure they are as pure as possible. The solids are held in the initial container and can be removed after the filter press has finished. Naturally, there will be solids on the pressing plates that will need to be regularly cleaned off.

There are actually four different designs of filter press:

  • Plate and frame

This type allows slurry to flow into the frame and through the filters. The resulting filtrate is collected on plates.

  • Recessed plate and frame

In effect, this is the same as the plate and frame approach. The difference is the plates are recessed, allowing for larger collection chambers and the introduction of additional filters before the liquid is pulled out.

  • Membrane

This type has an inflatable membrane in the filter plates: it inflates as the liquid is pushed through, increasing the effectiveness of the liquid extraction.

In short, it’s better at producing dry solids.

  • Fully automatic

As the name suggests, this type of filter press works automatically, allowing chambers to fill with slurry before automatically starting the filtration process and stopping it when appropriate.

Choosing The Right One

There are several things to consider when choosing a filter press:

  • Size

The size of the filter press you choose will directly affect how much slurry can be filtered in a given period.

Make sure you know your likely volume and that the press you choose can handle it.

  • Filtration system

The best filter presses don’t just filter the solids and liquid, they will maintain the slurry at the right mixture and guarantee the quality of the extracted liquid.

It’s worth checking their stats.

  • Manufacturer

As always, it’s a good idea to verify the manufacturer. If they are well known and have a good reputation you’re more likely to get a high-quality filter press.

After all, the better their reputation the more they have to lose and the better their customer service is likely to be.

Summing Up

If you’re in the mining industry or something similar and you need to separate liquids and solids, then a filter press is the best option.

It’s effective and easy to use while making your business more efficient and improving your bottom line.