Why It’s More Difficult to Find the Right Career After COVID

If you’re one of the millions who lost their job because of the COVID-19 pandemic, you’re not alone. At the same time, it can certainly feel suffocating and isolating to be facing down job loss, particularly as the months drag on. Especially as jobless claims spike once again, it’s clear that, even with a vaccine on the horizon, the economy is going to stay flagged for the foreseeable future.

As such, it’s going to be difficult to find a job for the next few months, since many companies aren’t hiring at the speed you’d expect them to as businesses prepare for some semblance of a return to normal after a vaccine has been distributed.

While it’s difficult, and even disheartening, to find a job right now, there are still some places hiring where you can really make a difference. If you have the opportunity to switch careers because of the Coronavirus, it may be a path towards an even more fulfilling line of work in the long run. Here are some careers to try and enter into after COVID, even though it’s still going to be a long journey.

Finding work as a realtor helps you take advantage of a booming industry during the pandemic.

Real Estate - right career after COVID

While many different industries have suffered due to stay-at-home orders, self-quarantining, and the lack of public gatherings, realtors have been making a bonanza in the housing market. The demand for single-family homes has increased dramatically in the midst of the pandemic, and with interest rates at all-time lows, it’s unlikely that that demand will decrease in the coming few years. As such, it’s never been a better time to get into the housing industry.

If you’re wanting to build up your resume while you’re getting your realtor’s license, it’s a good idea to boost your experience managing properties by working with a company like Venterra Realty. Venterra is known in the Austin, TX area for being one of the best workplaces according to Fortune magazine—a distinction it’s received for several years in a row. Venterra Realty is a great property management company to cut your teeth with as you get more familiar with working with tenants and homeowners.

Give back to your community by becoming a psychiatric nurse.

A recent piece in the New York Times detailed what will likely be COVID-19’s “fourth wave:” mental illness. As such, there will likely be a demand for nurse practitioners and others with certificates in a variety of psychiatric-mental health specialties. American nurses have already been called upon a great deal in 2020, and it looks like psychiatric-mental health nurses will also have higher demand moving forward.

If you’re interested in becoming a psychiatric nurse, you likely don’t need to have too many years of experience (clinical experience or otherwise) in order to help. Helping people deal with mental illness and other mental health issues can be incredibly rewarding, and even serve as a springboard to further work as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or in another advanced practice.

Join the teaching workforce, and shape futures.

It’s no secret that teachers are at the risk of burnout after an excruciatingly difficult year. As such, many teachers are retiring or just straight-up leaving the workforce. That being said, the light at the end of the tunnel offered by a COVID-19 vaccine shows that schools won’t always be this frustrating to work in.

If you have a passion for education, a specific subject, or children, now’s the perfect time to work on preparing to teach. If you have a bachelor’s degree, the next step to get into the teaching workforce is to reach out to your local education board to see what sorts of courses they offer to fast-track teachers. In as few as a few months to a year, you could be on your way to a rewarding career with competitive benefits and consistent pay.

Covid has changed the workforce as we know it right now, and it’s likely to have long-term consequences for job seekers, but there are some fields that are almost always in demand.

Interesting related article: “What is a Career?”