From Passive to Active: Exploring Innovative DeFi Protocols for Token Holders 2023

DeFi projects are gaining more and more traction in the current crypto ecosystem and keeping up to date with the latest projects is important for token holders. In order to gain the most, token holders need to know everything about the latest and most innovative projects as well as the potential downsides of the crypto space such as fraud or other cyber risks. 

Top DeFi Projects of 2023

A growing number of projects are emerging in the current crypto sphere and today we want to share with you some of the best projects of the year. Among the most popular DeFi projects offering a variety of crypto-based financial services and products are Lido Finance, Stargate Finance, and Synthetix.

Lido Finance

Lido Finance is a DeFi platform that offers users the ability to earn yield on their crypto assets. It is unique in the DeFi space in that it allows users to gain a portfolio of tokens offering both liquidity and yield. This approach helps users diversify their assets while still taking advantage of the high returns associated with DeFi projects. Additionally, Lido Finance offers a wide variety of features to help users manage their token holdings. These include the ability to track portfolio performance, automated rebalancing of portfolios, and a built-in marketplace for trading tokens.

Stargate Finance

Stargate Finance is a decentralized finance platform that offers users the ability to use their crypto assets as collateral for loans. This means that users can borrow against their token holdings without having to liquidate them. This is a great way for users to access liquidity while still being able to benefit from the appreciation of their crypto assets. Additionally, Stargate Finance offers users access to a variety of financial products, such as margin trading and interest bearing accounts.


And lastly, Synthetix is a decentralized finance platform that focuses on the tokenization of assets. The platform allows users to tokenize real world assets, such as commodities or stocks, and use them for trading. This is a great way for users to access a wide variety of assets and take advantage of the potential for high returns associated with DeFi projects. Additionally, Synthetix offers a variety of features to help users manage their token holdings, such as portfolio tracking and automated rebalancing. 

The Almost List: RING Financial Token’s Downfall

Despite all its benefits, crypto has become rampant with frauds and scams in recent years. These are well-known risks that most noders are very well aware of. However, another more subtle risk awaits noders as well – hacking. This ends up causing the hacked project to be falsely accused of being a scam and resulting in the project’s downfall. One such project is the RING Financial Token. The RING Financial Token was accused of being a scam by many users due to the fact that it was hacked. But originally, RING Financial looked promising and it may have well made this list as the 4th project. RING Financial was designed with an innovative idea in mind – to lower costs for users and to increase accessibility for them.  So, how did RING Financial get accused of fraud? 

RING Financial was accused of being a scam due to malicious actors hijacking the project and draining assets. The RING Financial team’s own mistake led to this result, however the token itself was not designed as a scam. The team did try to take action, but by the time they noticed the suspicious activity it was too late. The RING Financial Token had already been hijacked. Unfortunately, RING Financial could have been one of the most successful current projects if it hadn’t been for this incident, so let this serve as a cautionary tale to all projects and noders alike.  The RING Financial Token’s downfall is a reminder to all of us to tread carefully in these crypto waters. 

Navigating Fraud in Crypto Spaces

So, what can we learn from RING Financial about fraud and hacks? How can we take advantage of the RING Financial lesson? We can start by recognizing that frauds are far from being the only risk. The RING Financial Token shows that even well-meaning projects can cost their noders. So, how do we avoid any risks, be it an actual fraud or a hack like RING Financial? Here are some important guidelines to keep in mind when dealing with crypto assets. 

How to Avoid Crypto Scams

  1. Before trading crypto, make sure to do your due diligence by researching the project thoroughly and understanding the scam risks involved. Learn about the team, read whitepapers, and look at their track record. This will help you make an informed decision about whether or not to get the cryptocurrency and any scam-related risks.
  2. Be sure to use reliable and secure exchanges when trading cryptocurrencies in order to avoid scams. Look for reputable exchanges that have a long history of successful transactions and positive reviews from customers.
  3. Be careful about new or unfamiliar projects, as these may be more prone to scams. Be wary of projects that lack transparency or have a low market cap, as these are more prone to manipulation and scam-related activity.
  4. When dealing with any cryptocurrency, be sure to use 2-factor authentication (2FA) to prevent fraud. 2FA requires two verification methods, such as a password and an additional code sent to your phone or email address, in order to access your account.
  5. Finally, remember to use cold storage wallets to protect from any scam. Cold storage wallets are not connected to the internet and provide a secure way of storing digital assets offline.

By following these rules, you can protect yourself from any scam or hack and trade crypto securely. Bypass scams and any other liabilities with ease and maximize your assets!

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