
Excess weight cost US economy $1.7 trillion in 2016

Excess weight cost US economy $1.7 trillion in 2016

Excess weight cost the US economy $1.7 billion in 2016, says a Milken Institute study. The cost included a $1.24…

Volunteering helps lupus patients, study shows

Volunteering for a free telephone counseling service helps lupus patients as well as callers. A study by the Hospital for…

Rare type of moss has similar medical properties to cannabis

Researches from the University of Bern and ETH Zurich have found a compound in a rare type of moss that treats…

Smell of lavender really is relaxing, study confirms

The smell of lavender really is relaxing, a new study confirms. Its effects rely on our sense of smell rather…

Lupus patients benefited from bioelectronic medicine treatment

A pilot clinical trial showed that bioelectronic medicine treatment was effective in reducing fatigue and pain in lupus patients. The…

Less sitting time improves office staff’s wellbeing and work engagement

A new study has found that reducing sitting time improves office workers' wellbeing and boosts their work engagement. Researchers are…

Clues to autoimmune origins of lupus in precursor cells, say researchers

Clues to the autoimmune origins of lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus or LSE) are in precursor cells, say researchers. Precursor cells…

Steep decline in youth drinking in UK, says new report

Youth drinking in the UK has declined sharply, says a new report. Over the past fifteen years, there has been…

Compounds might prevent malaria parasites from infecting mosquitoes

Scientists have identified compounds that could prevent malaria parasites from infecting mosquitoes. This would subsequently halt the spread of the…

Busy people more likely to make healthier choices, study found

People who perceive themselves as busy are more likely to make healthier choices, a new study has shown. Although we…