
AI model learns how to make cancer treatment less toxic

AI model learns how to make cancer treatment less toxic

An AI model learns from patient data to make treatment for cancer less toxic but still effective. AI stands for…

Lupus places a hidden financial burden on health care

Lupus places a major but hidden financial burden on health care systems. The financial strain is there even before patients…

Raising alcohol taxes cost-effective in reducing alcohol harms

Raising alcohol taxes is a very cost-effective way to reduce alcohol-related harms, a team of researchers says. Restrictions on hours…

Major lupus study of 8 major markets 2016 to 2026

A new comprehensive lupus study includes a disease overview, diagnosis, and prognosis over a ten-year period ending in 2026. Lupus,…

Heart problems among newly diagnosed lupus patients

Many newly-diagnosed lupus patients have the warning signs of potential heart problems, a team of scientists in China discovered. Heart…

Lupus affects more women than men. Why? New study explores

Lupus affects nine times more women than men. Experts know that lupus erythematosus, SLE, or lupus affects many more women than…

Beauty standards changing thanks to selfies and filters

Beauty standards have changed significantly over the past couple of decades. Thanks partly to the photo-editing technology of applications such…

Universal health care with single-payer plan wouldn’t cost more, New York

A single-payer plan could achieve universal health care without costing more, a new study found. Universal health care is a…

Brain activity determines stock trading enthusiasm

Whether people are keen or reluctant to buy and sell stocks depends partly on their brain activity. Scientists in Germany,…

Lupus onset and progression – environmental factors

Environmental factors may trigger lupus onset, a new study confirms. They may also trigger lupus progression. Ultraviolet light and particulates…