Hearing Health and Senior Life

Growing old is a beautiful thing, but it isn’t always easy. Seniors deal with a lot of problems that younger people don’t, including health problems, financial issues, and other dangers and stresses that disproportionately affect seniors. Vulnerabilities like these can make life more difficult for the elderly.

Hearing loss image 499949Sometimes, they can make independent living impossible. But a better quality of life for senior citizens is possible, say experts at one assisted living community in Wyoming, MI. Part of the solution is to make the right choices in old age, including choosing the right independent living spaces, keeping in touch with families and other support structures, and taking advantage of the amenities and health resources that are available to seniors

Another part of the equation, health experts say, is investing in one’s health earlier in life. Your lifestyle as a young person can make all the difference to your health as a senior citizen.

All of this is illustrated dramatically in the case of hearing loss. Hearing health is a common concern among seniors because age-related hearing loss is so common. Seniors of all levels of health, including active seniors and more immobile ones, can suffer from hearing issues; after a certain age, hearing aids are common. But seniors can enjoy better hearing if they take important steps earlier in life as well as during their golden years.

If you are in a retirement home then generally everyone there should be able to help you as well. Assisted living facilities are filled with some of the nicest people all around, despite some of the stigma surrounding retirement homes. Check out assisted living in Castle Rock, CO if you happen to live in the west.

Preventing Hearing Loss

Those lucky enough to be reading this earlier in life should take note: How well you hear in old age will depend on how well you treat your ears and your hearing right here and right now.

Hearing loss can be a consequence of old age, but growing old isn’t the only reason for such hearing health issues, audiologists explain. Hearing issues can come up much earlier in life due to other factors, with loud noises being chief among them.

Loud noises are a normal part of life, but most people don’t treat them as the serious dangers that they are, say experts in audiology. Audiologists tell us that listening to loud music for just 30 minutes can do permanent, long-term damage to a person’s ears. The problem is particularly great if the music is being played on earbud headphones, which are terrible for hearing health.

Sticking things into your ear is pretty much always a bad idea, audiologists tell us. Earwax buildup can cause hearing issues, but digging earwax out with Q-tips can be even worse: Sticking those things into your ear can damage the fragile inner ear and cause permanent damage.

In fact, young people may already be suffering from hearing issues. That’s why young people should pay a visit to their primary care physician or a specialist in audiology. Organizations like the American Hearing Centers are good places to turn for hearing tests and ear care. A complete hearing test will tell you how much damage has already been done—and it might just be a wake-up call for you.

Dealing with Hearing Issues

One way or another, hearing problems are likely to arrive later in life. Older adults frequently deal with hearing problems: The national average is about one out of every three adults between the ages of 65 and 74. taking proper care of your ears will delay the issue, but you’ll probably have to figure out what to do about a hearing problem sooner or later. When that time comes, turn to the pros.

American Hearing Centers and similar resources make great places to go. Find a spot with dedicated staff and exceptional care, and explain your problem. You’ll get all the regular doctor’s office questions: Medications, medical history, and so on. Then, you’ll most likely get a complete hearing test and some options for auditory resources that may help your hearing.

A hearing aid could be the solution, but it’s not the only possibility, explain experts at Hearing Health USA. The medical professionals who specialize in high-quality hearing care services will have plenty of other facts to share with you, including alternative explanations of hearing loss and plans for treatment and care services.

Your independent living or assisted living community can play a role, too. Getting great care from a dedicated staff can be just as important as a new hearing aid, so look for a space with the right level of care. The first step toward better health is always to seek assistance, so turn to a professional and invest in your hearing health.


Interesting related article: “What is Health?”