How Long do Dental Implants Last?

For those who’ve either recently undergone dental implant surgery or are considering the procedure, knowing exactly how long they can expect their new dental implants to last is going to be one of their top priorities.

In short, the good news is that any dental implants should be incredibly long-lasting, as long as they’re properly cared for. Dental implants are designed to completely mimic the look and feel of any other natural tooth, and since they’re fused so firmly within the jawbone, they can fully support and withstand all of the chewings and biting that they need to too.

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On top of this though, dental implants can help to restore your jawbone’s structure too—as all too often this can fall out of line when too much pressure is placed on the teeth that remain—while also fixing a lost smile and helping to boost your confidence and self-esteem. Furthermore, any missing teeth can also have a big impact on speech, along with your ability to eat. With dental implants, issues such as these can be corrected too.

Components of dental implants

Before getting onto the longevity of dental implants though, we should probably establish what components go into one. Dental implants are made up of three fairly simple parts:

The titanium implant

The first part of a dental implant is the implant itself, which, due to it’s nice and lightweight properties while also being fully compatible with the surrounding tissues, is made of titanium. The implant basically works as the root, and once screwed into the jawbone, it’s incredibly robust and strong.

The abutment

The abutment sits slightly above the gum line once it’s been fully screwed into the implant. The role of the abutment is to serve as a connection between the implant and the crown.

The crown

The crown is the final piece of the puzzle, and it’s the part that plays the role of the tooth itself. Most crowns are made of ceramic or porcelain and are incredibly robust. Once the crown has been placed neatly into the abutment, the whole dental implant is complete.

So, How Long Will a Dental Implant Last?

With any luck, according to the dental office that has been doing dental implants in Arlington TX for many years, your dental implants should last at least a good 25 years, if not longer. As long as you take good care of them there’s no reason why they should last you any less than this, although there are several other factors that’ll play a part in their longevity too, such as:

Your oral hygiene

One of the most important parts of ensuring your dental implants survive for as long as they possibly can be ensuring you maintain a good level of oral hygiene. Your dental implants should be treated no differently from any of your other natural teeth, so this means brushing twice a day, flossing regularly, and visiting your dentist twice a year.

Where the implant is located

The location of your dental implants will also play a part in their longevity. Those placed toward the back of the mouth will undergo more pressure than those at the front when chewing. Therefore, any dental implants placed at the back of the mouth can tend to fail a little sooner.

Your lifestyle and oral health in general

Any smokers or heavy drinkers will find themselves at a much higher risk of their implants failing than those who aren’t smokers or heavy drinkers. In order to make sure that your dental implants last as long as they possibly can, you’ll want to ensure that you avoid any smoking or drinking in the run-up to your surgery, and continue to do so while your implants heal.

How skilled your dental surgeon was

As long as you have a skilled and experienced dental surgeon carrying out your procedure, there’s no reason your dental implants shouldn’t be off to the best possible start.

Any experienced professional will know exactly what they’re doing, how to place the implant perfectly, and how to make sure osseointegration (the process by which the healing bone and gum tissues bond perfectly with the titanium implant) sets in properly, so there should be no trouble at all, and your implant should be starting its life with the best possible chances of longevity.

How you’ve been using your teeth

You’ll want to avoid putting your new dental implants Birmingham through too much hard work. If you’re used to chewing on hard, tough foods—such as boiled sweets or ice—then you could be risking some potential damage. Always be careful, and don’t use your dental implants for anything you shouldn’t.

What Causes Dental Implants to Fail?

While a dental implant is designed to be a long-lasting solution that can completely mimic the rest of your other natural teeth, there are a number of things that could cause it to fail sooner than you might otherwise have expected. Diabetic patients especially, or those with pre-existing medical conditions such as cancer, are at a much higher risk of dental implant failure than others.

Insufficient oral hygiene can also cause your dental implants to fail. Just like with the rest of your natural teeth they need to be maintained with regular brushing and flossing, and failure to take care of them can lead to periodontal disease or gingivitis, which in turn can cause the dental implants to fail. It should go without saying, but preventing conditions such as periodontal disease and gingivitis will greatly increase the time you’ll get to enjoy your dental implants.

If you’ve been thinking that dental implants might be something that you’ll benefit from, then why not get in touch with us today to find out all of the great benefits of getting your dental implants in Turkey? Turkey is one of the top destinations in the world right now for all sorts of dental and medical treatments, and with such amazing prices, such skilled and experienced dental surgeons, and some of the best medical standards in the world, we think you’ll soon see why dental implants Turkey have become so popular.

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