How much does software development cost for a small business?

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Small companies need software development to help them become sustainable, especially with digital transformation requiring business objectives to include customer engagement models, enhance operational efficiency and give businesses a competitive edge.

Businesses can choose to use software that has already been developed or choose to develop their software to fit the needs of the business. Hiring a development team or a software development company can help create custom software for your business. To understand how much software development costs, this article will discuss the average software development cost and the key factors influencing pricing models.

Understanding Software Development

Depending on the type of small business you have or the software project you are working on, there are a variety of software solutions to choose from. Below are the different types of software available:

Off-the-Shelf Software

This type of software refers to applications that were pre-built for small businesses to purchase and use immediately. They can help make small business processes more efficient and automated. Examples of off-the-shelf solutions are Microsoft Office or accounting types of software such as QuickBooks.

Custom Software Development

This type of software is custom-made to meet the specific needs of a project or business process. It includes inventory management or customer relationship management tools. Software developers can create unique software applications that are designed to fit each business specifically or develop functions that are specific to projects.

Mobile Applications

Smartphones have become the most used electronics, especially for people who are on the go. Small businesses can benefit from having their business website mobile-friendly by developing software such as mobile apps to streamline operations, enhance their customer engagement and provide mobile services. Businesses can develop software that is the mobile version of a desktop website will attract more customers to the business and boost sales.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

This type of software is a cloud-based service that can be accessed via the Internet. Small businesses can subscribe to this service to help enhance productivity within the business. Saas software development costs aren’t as pricy because they are platforms ready to use and offer free versions to help project management.

Slack or Shopify are some examples of a software as a service.

E-commerce Software

Small businesses that will mainly operate as online stores to provide their services or sell products will use e-commerce software such as WooCommere or Shopify platforms to meet their business needs. Using e-commerce software can help save on software development costs and there will be no need to develop custom software since these are ready to use.

Content Management Systems (CMS)

This type of software development is used to help modify, manage and create content on business websites. Examples of CMS software include Joomla and WordPress.

Automation Tools

This software helps business process automation by streamlining repetitive tasks. Some tasks within the business such as marketing, services or sales can be automated to allow for less human error and better focus on priority tasks.

Key Factors influencing Software Development Costs

The following factors influence the cost of software development.

  • Project Complexity and Scope: Costs will be determined based on the size of the project and how complex the software needs to be. Higher costs of software development will be based on more features and functions needed to create complex software.
  • Technology stack: The type of development tools, programming languages and frameworks will add to the costs of software development.
  • Team Expertise and Experience: The more experienced the software development team is the more expensive their skills will cost.
  • Development Team Location: Where the team is based can also influence the cost of software development. For example, remote teams can be cheaper to hire while having in-house staff may be costly.
  • Quality Assurance and Testing: Testing the software to find faults can add to the costs of software development.
  • Integration and Compatibility: Additional costs can be added to software development if there is a need to integrate software and make it compatible with third-party services or platforms.
  • User Experience: It can be expensive to create a design that is user-friendly and ensures that users interact and are satisfied with how well the software works.
  • Timeframe and Deadlines: Projects that have a tight deadline may cost more than projects that are set to be completed at a later stage.
  • Maintenance and Support: Continuing to upgrade, fix bugs and give customers support after the software has been developed also adds to the costs influencing the software development.
  • Regulatory Compliance: There are compliance requirements for software to have such as implementing security measures which adds to the costs of software development.

Estimated Cost Ranges of Software Development

Several factors can influence the cost of software development as mentioned above, however, here are some scenarios which can help you understand and estimate software development cost.

To help estimate costs here is a software development cost breakdown which includes personnel costs, technology costs and operational costs.

Personnel costs refer to the salaries needed for the dedicated team of project managers, designers, and software developers. technology costs include development tools, software licenses, and hardware. Operational costs are the total overhead expenses such as utilities and office space.

Simple Applications

If you are looking to create a basic type of software with limited features for example small web-based applications or mobile apps the cost range would be between $5,000 to $20,000.

These software applications would consist of basic functionalities such as a simple user interface, user authentication and basic data storage.

Medium Complexity Applications

These software applications are a little more complex than the simple application as they include more advanced features. Some of these advanced technologies include user roles, integrated solutions with third-party services and much better user interaction.

Estimated costs for these types of software development are between $20,000 to $100,000. Examples include e-commerce platforms and content management systems.

Complex Applications

This software development includes features that are advanced in customization options which means that businesses can design software to the needs of the company and allow specific functions based on type of business. These types of applications are used for large enterprises where an extensive system is needed to process data and do data analysis.

Custom software development cost can range between $100,000 to $500,000+

Enterprise Solutions

For large enterprises, custom software development costs can range between $500,000 to several million dollars. This software development budget has a higher price tag based on the development process requiring multiple teams working on the software project, and providing maintenance and support.

Ongoing Maintenance and Support Costs

The average software development cost estimation of ongoing maintenance and support is at 15% to 20% of the initial development cost annually. This means that no matter which software development option you choose, it should be included in the total software development costs.

This includes ensuring that the software projects are up to date, function 100% and always have customer support.

Additional Costs to Consider

Although we have estimated the costs of software development. Here are some software development prices that can be added to the cost of software development projects.

  • Project Management Costs: Having a dedicated team to manage your project is important to ensure the success of your business.
  • Infrastructure and Hosting Costs: You may need additional servers such as cloud-based services to help host the software application programming interfaces.
  • Licensing and Subscription Fees: If the software needs to pay licensing fees or subscription fees for using third-party tools it can add costs to the software development process.
  • Training and Onboarding Costs: Providing training materials, hosting workshops and onboarding staff to be able to use custom software can add to software development cost.
  • Marketing and Launch Costs: Events to promote and advertise can add to additional costs especially if the software has been designed for external systems and other businesses.


In conclusion, software development companies can help small businesses become cost-effective by providing custom software solutions tailored to each businesses need. 

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