How to Become a School Social Worker – 5 Steps

Social work has gained immense popularity as the role of social workers becomes increasingly prominent in academia and other domains. In the academic setting, social workers assist students with social issues such as bullying, adjustment, family issues, mental health concerns, and so on. Providing a safe and confidential space enables students to express their emotions and concerns, receiving invaluable guidance to navigate their challenges. The support offered by social workers can make a huge difference in students’ academic and personal lives. 

For those aspiring to perform the meaningful role of a school social worker, a bachelor’s or master’s degree in social work and fulfilling other requirements is essential. The precise requirements to become a school social worker varies based on the state where you want to operate. However, a general step-by-step guide is discussed below. 

  • Obtain a bachelor’s degree

Getting the right education is the first step to becoming a school social worker. In this regard, a bachelor’s degree is the minimum requirement. A bachelor’s degree introduces you to the main concepts and topics needed to start your career in social work. It provides a foundation in basic concepts of social systems, human behavior, and the factors affecting communities and individuals.

Within a bachelor’s degree program in social work, you can choose a specific concentration. Some specializations available to social work students include International Social Work, Community Development, and School Social work. 

Social work students wanting to work in schools can select school social work. This concentration prepares social work students to work with students and families in an academic setting. They learn to understand the educational system and social workers’ role within schools. Overall, a social worker role in schools entails assisting students with their social, emotional, and behavioral problems and promoting a positive and inclusive learning environment. 

In many universities, fieldwork or internship is also an essential part of a bachelor’s degree program in social work. During the fieldwork, students work on actual cases, resolving problems of students and families in schools and educational settings. 

  • Earn a master’s degree (MSW)

A bachelor’s degree is adequate for entry-level positions like becoming mental health assistants and caseworkers. However, to work in more meaningful roles, such as clinical social workers and providing therapy, you need a master’s degree in social work (MSW). 

An MSW significantly enhances your earning potential. School districts and educational institutions often hire candidates with advanced degrees due to their specialized knowledge and expertise.

A master’s degree in social work also imparts specialized knowledge and skills regarding using evidence-based practice in the field of social work and individual and group therapy techniques. This advanced level training is important to understand and solve student problems competently. 

An MSW program also allows you to participate in supervised field education hours. This is a great way to learn from experts in this field and correct your mistakes. Additionally, supervised field experience during an MSW program allows you to work with various students and comprehensively understand their problems. 

A master’s in social work degree must be obtained from a degree accredited by a recognized accrediting body. Accreditation confirms that an MSW degree meets the standards of rigor and quality needed to practice in the social work field. This way, you can also be sure of obtaining an education that aligns with industry standards.

The primary accreditation in the US is the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), which sets the education standards for BSW and MSW programs. 

  • Meet the state licensing requirements

On top of getting a bachelor’s or master’s degree and completing supervised field experience, aspiring school social workers must also meet licensing requirements of the state licensing board or regulatory agency. They are also required to pass a standardized examination. Meeting these requirements ensures that aspiring school social workers can demonstrate their competence in the field.

Aspiring school social workers may also need to undergo a background check to demonstrate a clean history of criminal offenses. Some states also require students to complete a certain number of continuing education credits or enroll in relevant training programs. This ensures students maintain competence and stay updated with current trends in the field. 

It is important to consult your particular state licensing body to understand the requirements if you are seeking to prepare for the licensing exam. 

  • Develop your network

The purpose of having the educational credentials and experience required to become a school social worker is to look for employment to make a living. However, searching for jobs without the right connections and network is extremely challenging. 

However, if you cannot meet the right people, you can join social work organizations or associations such as the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). Joining such organizations provides suitable professional development training and connects you with the right people. Networking assists you in gaining insights into the profession, learning about job openings, and getting professional recommendations and referrals. 

Another way to develop your networks is by attending seminars and conferences and utilizing online platforms like LinkedIn. Creating an account on such platforms helps you be visible to prospective employers by highlighting your competence, education, and experience. 

  • Search for jobs

Searching for job opportunities becomes easier once you have developed the right connections. However, besides using your contacts, you can use the following strategies to find jobs.

  • You can visit online job boards that specialize in education or social work.
  • You can set up job alerts to receive notifications about relevant job postings and to stay updated about new job postings.
  • Another strategy is to regularly visit the websites of your local school district or educational institutions. In most cases, you can find a dedicated “Careers” or “Employment” section where they post job openings.
  • You can also directly contact schools and school districts in your area to enquire about job openings and drop your CV. This is a great way to show your interest, increasing your chances of being considered in the future.

When forwarding your CV to an institution, tailor it to the position you are applying for. Highlight relevant experience, skills, and education, showing how you can be a valuable resource for the organization. Also, be prepared for interviews by knowing about the school, its vision and mission, and any aspects that set it apart. During the interview, show that you know the job description and are the right fit for the position. 


Becoming a school social worker involves going through a step-by-step process to meet all the state-specific as well as general requirements. The article above provides a brief guide on these steps. Thus, it can help keep you on track without missing any important requirements. 

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