How to Encourage Visitors to Return to Your Website

Responsive Website Templates for Business

The most attractive website in the world might not be enough to entice customers to browse through its landing pages and add items to their cart. 

If you are struggling with a high bounce rate, a lack of online sales, and a small number of returning visitors, you might need to make some large or minor adjustments to the site. 

Don’t miss out on sales. Find out how to encourage visitors to return to your website and buy from your business.

Overhaul Your Current Web Design

A reported 70 to 96% of people who abandon a website are unlikely to return. For this reason, you must make it your mission to convert many one-time visitors into loyal customers.

If you provide high-quality products or services, you might be scratching your head because customers aren’t buying from your brand or revisiting your website. 

If so, your current web design is likely responsible for a high bounce rate and disinterest in your brand.

One or more factors might be causing visitors to click away from your landing pages, such as a poor user experience, an unattractive design, or a complex checkout experience.

If so, you would be wise to turn to web design experts to transform the look and feel of your site. 

A few tweaks and changes could encourage visitors to engage with your content, buy from your brand, and return to the site time and again.

The right web design service could help you create a positive user experience for your visitors, which might secure their interest or increase loyalty to your brand.

Maximize Email Marketing

Email marketing can increase return visits to your website and improve brand engagement.

It is 40 times more effective at securing new customers than the likes of Twitter and Facebook combined, which is why you shouldn’t underestimate its power.

Entice new visitors to subscribe to an email newsletter by providing one or more perks, such as 10% off their first order or access to exclusive offers.

By doing so, you could lure a visitor back to your website to place an order or engage with your content.

Publish Scannable Web Content

Most visitors don’t want to read epic paragraphs when they arrive on a website. Keep potential customers engaged by publishing scannable content

Banish long sentences from your web copy, product descriptions, and blog posts to make your content easier to scan. 

You can improve readability by:

  • Introducing engaging subheadings – attracts interest while making it easier for visitors to find copy they want to read.
  • Breaking up content with high-quality visuals.
  • Using the best font size for a device, such as 16-20pt for a desktop, 15-19pt for a tablet, and 12-16pt for a smartphone.
  • Using bulleted lists.

Don’t miss out on substantial sales due to a poor user experience, a bad content layout, and limited engagement. Make it your mission to improve the look and feel of your web design while finding ways to engage with visitors away from your site.