How to Find Rare Engineering Talent in 2022

The position of an engineer is in demand these days at many enterprises. A person applying for it must have universal knowledge — both in the field of technology, production organization, economics, and mathematical analysis. For an engineer, you need to have a higher technical education, to have a fundamental knowledge of technical disciplines.

The search for the right employee is best carried out with the help of a set of measures: posting job advertisements on job search sites and industry resources, in professional communities on social networks. At the same time, it will be useful to use personal contacts: ask for help from colleagues, friends, and acquaintances. Let’s consider several steps which could help us to succeed in this task.

Proper Description

Before posting a vacancy, make its description as detailed as possible. The candidate must imagine what he has to do, who his employer is (at least in general terms: the size of the company, its affiliation, field of activity, etc.), and on what he can count in exchange for his work.

Pay no less attention to the requirements for the candidate: what work experience, education, what he should know and be able to possess, and what professional and personal qualities he should have.

All this does not ensure that all candidates will “fit” your requirements (obviously, after communicating with some of them, the impression remains that the person simply did not read the job description). However, it will significantly narrow their circle.

Practice shows that you are guaranteed a large number of reviews. At this stage, it will be necessary to select from the general stream of resumes those of interest (there are usually much fewer) and contact their authors.

If the profession involves the opportunity to show the product in person, ask the candidates for references to examples of work, and a portfolio, if available (the absence is already a reason to think about whether this is the right candidate).

You can also offer a small test that gives an idea of​​professional abilities. Although it is not uncommon to go to this stage already after the interview.

Selection of Applicants for the Position

For the employee to be the perfect fit for you, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Specialization. The engineer must have a good understanding of your company’s activities.
  • Profile. You can familiarize yourself with the education of the specialist, as well as with implemented projects.
  • Experience. Most companies seek to acquire a professional with many years of work experience. However, novice specialists also show themselves well and work diligently – they build a reputation. We would not advise to cling to experience in principle – look at a person’s professional abilities and potential.
  • City. If you need to choose an employee from your city, pay attention to this parameter. Note that most specialists work successfully throughout the country, and choosing a specific city will complicate the task of finding a really good engineer

When choosing a remote employee on special portals, you can familiarize yourself with reviews, the number of closed deals, and the rating.

How to Find an Engineer?

There are several options:

  • Search for recruiter vacancies on the Internet on special sites – job portals. You can submit your job ad or read the resumes that candidates leave on the site and contact the specialist you like.
  • Find recruiter profiles on social networks- One of the most popular professional platforms is LinkedIn. Facebook and Instagram are also actively used. You will be able to find out not only the professional data of a person but also get acquainted with his profile.
  • Independently write a post about the search for an employee- on portals or social networks. Make an announcement that spells out the requirements for the candidate.

One of the best ways to solve this problem is to appeal to engineering online marketplaces. The best one here is Engre. It is an international engineering platform that provides a wide range of services. On the platform, you can familiarize yourself with a list of companies that provide services that you need (if we are talking about contracting companies) or find a proper specialist who you could hire.

Talent Search

The talent search is a relatively new, but positively proven direction of personnel selection, which consists of the purposeful search for promising and interesting people. Recruiters attend various conferences, and meetings of professionals, and monitor Internet networks. Having found potentially suitable specialists, recruiters monitor their development for some time, and as a result, reports are placed on the management’s table, a motivation and development program is developed, followed by negotiations and a proposal for cooperation.

Social Networks

Among the trends started by the Covid-19 pandemic is a sharp increase in the number of users of social networks. Also, people began to spend more time on Facebook or Instagram, in particular, during working hours. Therefore, it is not surprising that the search for personnel through social networks and messengers Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Telegram, and Viber has become more relevant.

According to Campaign Monitor, each social network has a certain target audience. Yes, LinkedIn is usually the best place to find IT candidates. Form a query about the desired specialist and his location and view the options in the search window. Next, with the help of proper communication, you build a relationship with a potential candidate and form an attractive job offer for him.

For communication to work best, your company must have a strong employer brand or your offer must be competitive, particularly in terms of salary. To encourage potential candidates to self-apply for open positions, you can post vacancies on the company’s LinkedIn page and the company’s professional pages.

Facebook opens up even wider opportunities for finding the right specialist. This opens the opportunity for recruiters to offer work to experienced specialists and even close top management vacancies.

But it is advisable to look for beginners through Instagram, where the majority of users are young people under 29 years old. There are also many representatives of creative professions here.

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