How To Make Your Business Safe During Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in businesses having to adapt and change working strategies. Safety measures have had to be a priority to make sure that staff and consumers don’t fall victim to the deadly pandemic. Enterprises—big or small—have had to structure their physical working spaces to curb the spread of the virus.

Regardless of the size of your company, here are some ways to make it safe during Covid-19:

  • Mandatory Temperature Checks

Registering a high temperature is considered as one of the possible early symptoms of having the virus. Thus, businesses have become vigilant about conducting temperature checks on workers and customers. 

When the virus initially started to spread, some companies and stores stationed an employee by the entrance to take the temperature of every person who entered their establishment. The person taking the temperature by the door, however, is at high risk because of their close proximity with everyone.

To avoid risking a staff member’s well-being, you could set up a temperature screening kiosk instead. This kiosk is comprised of thermal gadgets that only require a person to stand close to it for an automated temperature reading. Some are designed so that when one’s temperature is high, the thermometer’s color changes as an alarm also rings.

  • Set Up A Sanitizing Station

The hygienic practice of frequently sanitizing hands is another way to keep your business safe. You can place a sanitizing station by the entrance where consumers and staff members could access hand cleaners for free. You can set the station before the temperature kiosk so that once people have been sanitized, they immediately have their temperatures checked.

  • Request To Wear Masks

To keep your business safe, you can request your staff members to wear a mask whenever they’re on the work premises. You can even provide branded masks and make them a part of your work uniform or attire.

Clients or guests who wish to visit your premises should also practice mask-wearing. You can place a sign at the entrance stating that your business has implemented the wearing of masks on the premises. Anyone not wearing one won’t be allowed inside. 

Eventually, you will encounter people who will resist the wearing of masks since it’s not widely implemented as a legal requirement like in some countries. However, you have to determine whether this is a health safety precaution you’re willing to see through.  

  • Create A Socially Distanced Business Space

Another way to curb the spread of Covid-19 is to adjust your workspace in a way that allows for social distancing. One social distancing measure you can implement in your workplace includes spacing out employees’ work stations or desks. For example, where four people used to be seated within a single work station or table, you can remove two chairs and move the other two away. 

If your business finds consumers having to queue to receive services, you can place marks on the floor to indicate where each person should stand. If consumers interact with your workers over a counter, you can place a see-through shield to serve as a barrier and protection.

  • Go Digital

Many countries have been implementing strict lockdown measures to help curb the spread of Covid-19. This move has encouraged entrepreneurs to take their business to the digital space.

Conducting operations within cyberspace is indeed safer in that you limit face-to-face interactions in physical spaces. If your business is product-based, for example, you can set up door-to-door deliveries to finalize online purchase transactions. If your business is in the service-oriented sector, you can encourage your customers to use various self-service portals that you need to adapt to and integrate with your company. The less physical human contact, the safer your business.

  • Disinfect Your Space

You can disinfect your business space regularly to kill off any germs. You can hire professionals who have also specialized in cleaning and disinfecting with Covid-19 into consideration. Make sure to schedule your disinfecting service during a time when your business space is closed. The chemicals they’ll use might affect people and cause reactions.

Adapting To A New Normal

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about major shifts in business strategies and operations. Everyone now has to make safety a priority. Some of the ways entrepreneurs like you could keep businesses safe include setting up a temperature screening kiosk and a hand sanitizing station. You can request mandatory mask-wearing for any person who wishes to access the premises, and schedule a regular disinfecting session for the workplace.

Be mindful of the information you accept about Covid-19, as this will affect how you operate the business. Make sure to receive information from trustworthy sites.

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