8 Quick & Easy Instagram Story Ideas for Marketing

Instagram has become a popular mode of marketing and is one of the most crucial platforms to generate revenue. However, the high number of Instagram users has saturated the platform to some extent. Buying Instagram followers and engagement is becoming increasingly difficult.

Brands and people are looking for strategies to give this a push. More than 500 million people watch Instagram stories regularly, making it an important part of marketing strategies.

Instagram Story Ideas for Marketing

Image created by Market Business News.

According to DEV SHED, where people can buy Instagram followers, stories help increase engagement and get the conversation going. Hence, Story Ads are more popular than Post Ads on Instagram. We understand that you want to increase your following on Instagram, but do not have the money for ads or sponsored posts. Thus, we have compiled a list of the top 8 quick and easy Instagram stories that you can include in your marketing plan. So, let us get down to attracting Instagram followers quickly!

Hold an FAQ Session

Don’t have the time for a live FAQ session? Well, Instagram has a Q&A feature, where you can paste a question sticker captioned Ask Me Anything. Let your followers shoot their questions and answer each of them. What purpose does this solve?

Well, you can share their responses to your story and add your answer in the form of text or video. This helps clear any doubts people might have about your brand. Sometimes, people do not know a lot about brands and this could help spread brand awareness. Moreover, this is a good idea to engage your existing Instagram followers.

Poll For Your Followers

Show your Instagram followers that you care about their opinions and pay attention to their needs. You could engage them with a short, entertaining quiz with multiple choice answers. Studies suggest that the polling sticker helped increase 3-second video views (which is quite significant), in 9 out of 10 beta campaigns.

If you cannot grasp what your audience wants to see more of, you can use this feature to understand their needs. This will help you develop content according to their demands and increase your following on Instagram.

Always Share Your Location

Why is sharing location so important and stressed? Well, when you combine the location feature along with hashtags, you get more viewers. Adding the location means that it will be added to the feeds of surrounding people. Additionally, if your story has some intriguing content, people will follow you. More views translate to an increase in your following on Instagram.

Freebies Promotion

Did you think that you cannot use Stories for promotion? Think again! Everyone loves free stuff and freebies help draw in potential leads. You can increase your email list via freebies and forge a relationship. Freebies are a great way of showing your audience that you care. Moreover, this is a great way of encouraging more engagement from your Instagram followers.

If you have more than 10K followers, the Swipe Up feature will help you greatly. In case you do not, make sure to guide your followers to it and add the link to your bio. This helps you increase your site visits too.

A Quick Peek Behind the Scenes

Often, people forget that there are real entities associated with the brand. Be it a product you are working on or a mistake your employee made, release short raw clips of these. This helps pique their interest or encourages discussions. Make sure to share bloopers. This will get your audience laughing in no time and form an emotional connection.

Countdown to An Event/Post

Countdowns help build interest and increase one’s anticipation. Your Instagram followers can even share your countdown stickers on their stories. This helps spread brand awareness and make sure an event reaches its climax. Try putting regular countdowns for sales, product launches, or Instagram posts!

Organize Story Takeover

An Instagram takeover is when someone gets access to your Instagram account for a day. Of course, it is implied that the person doesn’t originally have access to it on other days. It can be one of your brand ambassadors or followers or coworkers.

This helps attract your audience and adds a humorous touch to your account. If you choose an influencer to do so, it would bring their followers to your account and would help increase your engagement. Influencers know how to promote brands/products cleverly and form an instant engagement with viewers.

Contests With Perks

All of us have a competitive side and contests are a great way to engage and get active  Instagram followers. You could increase your following on Instagram by offering perks to the winner. All they need to do is share your recent post on their stories, comment and tag their friends, or like your posts.

Make sure to leverage this as much as you can and keep an eye on the notifications. Choose a winner within the promised time and tag them on your story. This is a clever way to draw in more engagement.


Instagram’s features can be leveraged in various ways to provide the best results. Make sure to keep on engaging with your existing Instagram followers. Let us know which idea was your favorite and share your stories with us. We hope you found this article useful and will make the best out of the platform.

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