Why Build an IPTV/OTT Platform for Streaming

Why Build an IPTV-OTT Platform for Streaming

The way audiences consume video content has changed. Streaming services have become increasingly popular. This has resulted in more people opting to use these services over traditional cable TV. Hence, making IPTV server software the best method of growing income through video content.

What Are the Advantages of IPTV Streaming Software?

Here are some of the advantages you can expect to receive when using IPTV software:

  • The luxury of Piracy Protection
  • You gain Instant Playback
  • You can raise your brand awareness
  • You can gain monetization
  • More information is given to understand your audience

How Do You Create a Video IPTV or OTT Platform?

Setting up a live streaming site is straightforward and effortless. This is especially the case when using a secure and professional IPTV platform. We’ve outlined six simple steps you should follow when setting up a live stream online.

These steps are:

1. Investing in Live Recording Equipment

Creating high-quality video content requires professional live streaming recording equipment. These investments can include simple webcams or 4K ultra-HD camcorders. The specific product you decide to purchase is dependent on what you wish to stream.

A simple camera setup is suitable for training sessions, webinars, and other straightforward broadcasting. However, more advanced broadcasts require TV-grade recording equipment.

2. Encoding Software

Many live streamers face one common live streaming challenge. Most cameras are designed to record instead of live stream. That’s why you’re required to choose between a software or hardware encoder that functions with your camera choice.

Encoding is equipped to change your video to a format optimized for transmission over the internet. This ensures that your viewers can access your live streaming video without any issue.

Hardware encoders let you bypass the requirement of a computer. It’s a physical alternative to encoding software and is useful in more professional broadcasting contexts.

However, software encoders are more affordable and preferred when conducting small-scale live streams. You can even choose open-source or free software that utilizes an RTMP server. This is also known as real-time streaming protocol.

3. Secure Reliable Internet Connectivity

Broadcasters require a fast and reliable internet connection. This produces a high-quality live stream. WIFI is an option but it’s typically less reliable. Most cable internet speeds are suitable while both options are better than cellular data.

4. Pick a Video Streaming Site Platform

To own the rights to your video content, you need to invest in a professional-grade video streaming platform or site. YouTube is the most easy-to-use and popular platform.

However, YouTube and other free consumer-grade platforms pose severe limitations for live streaming. These platforms are equipped for uploading videos. Therefore, such systems can’t offer the best services for live streaming and video content management.

That’s why using solutions through a dedicated white-label video streaming site is strongly recommended. Professional platforms offer better IPTV business solutions while providing more control over monetization, video platform, privacy, branding, and recording.

Additionally, IPTV streaming software provides you with specific information relating to your live channel. This is the information you require to set up your encoding software or hardware. From this, you can ensure a secure live stream for authorized viewers.

5. Generate an Embed Code

Once you’ve selected your equipment and tools to start creating live stream videos, you can generate an embed code. This is used to prepare your website for your first live stream broadcast.

To begin this process, you can navigate to your live streaming video host’s admin dashboard. From here, you’re required to schedule a live stream event. Once this has been completed, you can access the embed options.

You have a choice between two different code options: JavaScript or iFrame. JavaScript is widely supported by most devices and browsers. In contrast, iFrame is more compatible with specific website frameworks.

After selecting your embedding code, you can copy this to your clipboard.

6. Embed a Live Stream into an Internet Page

The final step is to embed your video onto your chosen live streaming platform. Access to the HTML editor is required to do this. You can locate such features in your website’s management dashboard. From here, you can paste this code and publish these changes to embed your live stream.

Advantages and Disadvantages Associated with Building this Video Platform Yourself

Here are the pros of self-hosting video content:

  • You gain privacy and control when streaming. No higher authorities can ban or delete your videos on this site.
  • Brand customization is offered while third-party logos are eliminated.

However, there are also cons associated with hosting video content yourself. This includes:

  • Page load times are longer.
  • Playback is slower and less reliable.
  • No additional promotion is provided other than what you perform.

Advantages and Disadvantages Associated with a Paid Video Streaming Platform

Here are some of the benefits you can expect to receive when using a paid video streaming platform:

  • The page load times are typically quicker.
  • Playback is more trustworthy, reliable, and faster.

Yet, you can also expect several disadvantages when utilizing a paid video streaming platform. Such drawbacks include:

  • Brand customization is limited while third-party logos are visible.
  • A high authority has control over the content you’re streaming. Therefore, videos can be deleted or banned. This is if you’re not adhering to the policies laid out by this professional video streaming platform.

Our Final Thoughts

A professional company offering OTT or IPTV solutions can offer a hassle-free video streaming experience. This is because businesses already know how to set up a streaming platform. Hence, there’s no messing around and you’re guaranteed a fully functional IPTV streaming software. When you buy IPTV be sure to do your research and look around for the one with features that suit your personal needs the most. There are also IPTV resellers that can help you if you don’t know where to start.