5 Tips to Create Lasting Memories During your Stay in Put-in-Bay

Vacations are primarily meant to be moments of rejuvenation, relaxation, and enjoyment. But when your travel destination is Put-in-Bay, you don’t just want to enjoy the serene environment and numerous attractions that come with it.

You ought to maximize your stay so that by the time you’re getting back from the trip, you’re already reminiscing over the wonderful experience. In this article, we share with you proven tips that will help you create lasting memories during your stay in Put-in-Bay.

Your Stay in Put-in-Bay - 34222

Image: https://www.visitputinbay.org/event/put-in-bay-green-week/

1. Start planning your visit in good time

The best place to start your preparation is to first determine the purpose of your visit and check Put-in-Bay tourist information online. What’s the main reason you’re interested in the island? Your answer is important because it will define the scope of everything related to the trip.

The truth is, Put-in-Bay has so many things that you could easily get confused if you don’t know exactly what you’re coming to do. Is it a business trip, a vacation, or a team-building exercise that’s bringing you?  Whichever the reason, you can take advantage of the destination guide to help you get familiar with the various aspects of the area and how you can get the most out of it.

Another critical component of planning is the time you’ll travel. It’s an important consideration because it determines a lot of things such as what your pack for travel. Again, timing is important because it will have a say on whether you come back contented or dissatisfied or regretting. Summer is usually the best time to travel to get the most out of your trip.

You’ll also need to plan on means you’re going to use to get to the destination. In essence, that will make it possible for you to start booking well in advance so that you’re not caught by time. You’ll even plan and make reservations for your accommodation. Think also about your budget versus the duration of stay and things you hope to accomplish during the period.

Once you plan, it will be easy to remain on top of the schedule. You’ll remain within the things you’ve listed down so that you aren’t easily diverted to other things.

Image: https://www.visitputinbay.org/south-bass-island/

2. Learning the local history

Learning history, culture, and language is one of the ways to build lasting memories from your vacation. Put-in-Bay has a fascinating history and a cultural heritage like no other. For instance, Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial is ranked as the world’s largest Doric column. The memorial was built to commemorate the Battle of Lake Erie and celebrate the lives of those who gave themselves for the sake of their motherland.

Once you get here, you’ll learn so much about the contributions of certain people in making the United States get to the point it is today. Every year, the island organizes the Historical Weekend that gives the visitors a glimpse of how it was in the pasting fighting for the independence of the country. Through the interactive sessions, art shows, and battle enactments, you built memories that no one can ever take from you.

3. Remember to take and organize your photos

Human memory is prone to forgetting things. However much you might remember that you ever went for a vacation in Put-in-Bay, remembering the intricate and minute details might prove difficult with time. But when there are pictures to you take you back in time, you can always relive the memories. Take photos of the great places you visited, best Put-in-Bay hotels and resorts where you stayed, and more.

After you’ve taken the photos, you’ll need to organize them depending on where they were taken or any theme you like. For instance, you could use the names of the venues you visited as the subfolder such as Perry’s Cave, the Lighthouse, kayaking, and jet skiing. Alternatively, if you spend a couple of days on the island, you could sort and organize your photos based on day one, day two, day 3, etc.

When you’ve gone through all that, the next step is to store them safely while ensuring you have a secure backup on at least two devices. Thanks to technology, you can also back up the photos in the cloud is something that still intrigues many people. That way, if anything happens to the devices, such as theft, damage, or any issue, your photos will be safe and sound in the cloud. Whenever you need them, you simply log into your account and access the photos.

4. Personalize pillows, fabrics, and bean bags

Use the quality photos that you’ll take while on vacation to personalize your fabrics, pillows, and other material. It’s simple, go through your vacation album and choose from the photos that appeal to you the most. Select photos with great Put-in-Bay view’s such as those taken while on top of the Lighthouse, Perry’s Cave, or any other place that tickles your fancy.

If you can handle a sewing machine and love DIY, you can get the most out of your trip photos by personalizing them on your own. That way, you can experiment with a few photos and different kinds of materials to see what works best. Apart from pillows, you could decide to do a custom tablecloth cover for your dining room, bedroom, or chairs.

Image: https://www.facebook.com/putinbaygolfcarts/

5. Rent a golf cart for sightseeing

Put-in-Bay golf carts are the most prevalent means of transport. The carts are in high demand such that the best way to guarantee their availability is to book online. If not, you might end up frustrated and inconvenient going around the island trying to find where to rent a cart. That wouldn’t be such a good way to start your vacation, would it? The carts are considered the best for sightseeing as they give you the privilege of taking in as much of the environment as possible while traveling.

Adapted from a Google Maps image.


Vacation time is a time for you to be happy, enjoy yourself on the island, and get experience life on different fronts. Undeniably, Put-in-Bay has lots of things to do such that if you’re not intentional about creating memories to last you a lifetime. As such, you need to start preparations in good time so that by the time you’re traveling, everything is ready and waiting for you to arrive.