What is the National Health Service or NHS?

The National Health Service (NHS) is an essential component of the British social welfare system, giving reliable and free healthcare services to the population of the United Kingdom.

According to the BMJ (British Medical Journal):

“(The National Health Service) provides care based on need and free at point of delivery.”

History and foundation

The NHS was established in 1948, according to the principles provided in the 1942 Beveridge Report. It was founded with the goal to provide healthcare for all, regardless of their financial situation. It’s funded mainly through taxation.

Structure and organization of the National Health Service

  • Components

The NHS is made up of different organizations in the nations of the UK – England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Each has its own variation of the system.

  • Funding

It is mainly funded through taxation. A portion of its budget also comes from national insurance contributions and government revenues.

  • Administration

Local NHS trusts and boards are in charge of implementing and overseeing services, but the Department of Health and Social Care, which is part of the national government, sets overall standards and policies.

Services provided

The National Health Service provides several services, including:

  • General healthcare

Including a primary care service, which is provided by general practitioners (GPs), community healthcare, and emergency services.

  • Specialized treatments

Covering a wide range of specialties such as oncology, neurology, cardiology, orthopedics, pediatrics, dermatology, gastroenterology, and psychiatry.

  • Prescription Medicines

The cost of NHS prescription medicines, which is heavily subsidized, varies across the UK. Some people do not pay anything at all, such as people aged 60+ years, pregnant mothers, children under 16 or under 18 if in full-time education, unemployed people, and individuals receiving financial assistance from the state.

  • Mental Health services

Providing support and treatment for mental health conditions.

National Health Service or NHS logos for England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Created by Market Business News using images from NHS websites.


There are several challenges that the NHS faces, such as:

  • Funding constraints

Balancing ever-growing healthcare demands with limited financial resources.

  • Staffing shortages

The challenge of hiring and retaining healthcare workers.

  • Rising health care demands

Addressing the increasing healthcare needs of an aging population and the prevalence of chronic diseases.

  • Technological advancements

Keeping pace with rapidly advancing medical treatments and technology.

Public perception and impact

  • A national treasure

The NHS is considered a national treasure in the UK, since it symbolizes the commitment to public welfare and equality. Its establishment marked a significant societal shift, ensuring that healthcare is a right, not a privilege, and fostering a sense of collective responsibility and pride among the British public.

  • A significant impact

In the UK, it has made a major difference in terms of life expectancy and health outcomes.

The service’s emphasis on preventative care and widespread access to health services has contributed to a generally healthier population. There have been marked improvements in life expectancy, maternal and child health, chronic disease management, and emergency care.

The National Health Service is the country’s largest employer. According to nuffieldtrust.org.uk:

“The NHS in England employs 1.5 million people, with employee costs accounting for around two-thirds of NHS providers’ expenditure. It is the country’s biggest employer and one of the largest employers globally.”

Written by Nicolas Perez Diaz