NYCs Local Law 87(LL87): More Than a path to compliance

The Greener, Greater Buildings Plan, passed by New York City in 2009, sought to increase the energy efficiency of the city’s massive structures. As a result of its founding, new legislation adopts to help build owners better understand and optimize their annual energy and water consumption. One of the guidelines was Local Law 87 (LL87), which dealt with energy auditing and retro-commissioning. In light of the recent enactment of the Climate Mobilization Act and Local Law 97 (formerly Int. 1253), many building owners are asking where LL87 stands and how it relates to Local Law 97 (previously Int. 1253). (formerly Int. 1253). (LL97).

LL87 mandates an energy assessment and retro-commissioning for all buildings larger than 50,000 square feet in New York City every ten years. An energy audit provides building owners with an evaluation of their building’s energy performance, the effectiveness of their equipment, and what adjustments could make to reduce energy consumption and improve building comfort. The word “retro-commissioning” refers to a building’s annual tune-up to ensure that all equipment is in good operating order.

When selecting an LL87 provider, what should you look for first?

For individuals who are unfamiliar with energy audits and retro-commissioning, locating an expert can be challenging. What kinds of questions should you ask? When it comes to responses, how will I know whether they can help me get my carbon emissions below the LL97 limits by 2024 and 2030?

Here’s we enlighten you with a list of questions to ask prospective suppliers to help you make an informed decision and get the most out of your Local Law 87 compliance and LL97 preparation.

How have you found LL87?

Those that have been providing these services for more than five years will be well-versed in the law, how it has changed, how proposed changes would influence their current processes, and what measures might result in a meaningful solution.

Is it possible for you to finish my energy audit and retro-commissioning study as quickly as possible?

While you may want a speedy response from your supplier, be wary of those who claim to be able to do everything in a matter of weeks. It takes a long time to complete a full audit and retro-commissioning study. Depending on the time of year and the necessity for a heating and cooling test in your facility, the supplier may not be able to research until the weather reaches specific temperatures—budget at least six months for the LL87 audit and retro-commissioning to be safe.

Are you employing a Registered Architect (RA) or a Professional Engineer (PE)?

One of the proposed amendments to Local Law 87 requires all energy audit and retro-commissioning reports to be signed off by a Registered Design Professional. If each of the suggested changes is approved, you’ll want to prepare.


If you have any queries concerning energy audits, retro-commissioning, or anything else energy-related, our team of expert auditors and retro-commissioning agents is here to assist you.

Interesting Related Article: “How to Conduct an Energy Audit for Your Business