Pinworm: A Common Parasitic Infection

Pinworms are a type of parasitic intestinal worm that commonly infects humans. In fact, the pinworm is one of the most common types of parasitic infections that people suffer from globally, and according to the CDC, pinworm infection is the most common type of worm infection in the United States. Pinworms are white in color and less than a half-inch long.

Causes of Pinworm Infection

Pinworm infections are highly contagious and you can easily become infected with pinworms by unintentionally ingesting or inhaling pinworm eggs. These eggs are usually deposited onto a surface or object by a person who’s been infected. Below is a detailed explanation of how pinworms spread.

The Cycle of Pinworm Infection

The cycle of infection begins with the ingestion of microscopic pinworm eggs. Once the eggs enter your body, they remain in the intestine until they hatch and mature. As adults, the female pinworms move into the colon and exit the body through the anus at night. Female pinworms lay eggs in the folds of skin around the anus and then return to the colon. The presence of these eggs often causes anal itching and irritation.

When a person scratches the affected area, the pinworm eggs transfer to the fingers. The eggs can survive for several hours on your hands. If a person who’s been infected touches household objects like bedding, clothing, toilet seats, or toys, the eggs will transfer to these objects. Pinworm eggs can survive on these contaminated surfaces for up to three weeks.

Children transfer pinworm eggs easily because they may put infected toys or other objects directly into their mouths. The eggs can also transfer from contaminated fingers directly to food or liquids. While uncommon, it’s also possible for adults to inhale airborne eggs when shaking contaminated bedding, towels, or clothing.

Pinworms generally live for up to 13 weeks. Scratching an affected area can lead to an unintentional ingestion, which can lead to reinfection and a restart of the entire pinworm life process. Sometimes, eggs on the anus can hatch and the pinworm larvae can re-infect the intestine that they came from. This can cause an infection to continue indefinitely if it’s not treated.

Symptoms of a Pinworm Infection

Some individuals with pinworm infections may not experience any symptoms. However, you may suspect that you or your child has a pinworm infection if you notice:

  • Frequent and strong itching of the anal area
  • Restless sleep due to anal itching and discomfort
  • Pain, rash, or other skin irritation around the anus
  • The presence of pinworms in the area of your child’s anus
  • The presence of pinworms in stools

How to Get Rid of Pinworms

Pinworm infections are incredibly common, and since the eggs can survive for so long on surfaces, it is difficult to eradicate them—which is why they are one of the most common parasites in the world. That being said, you can get rid of pinworms with the help of natural remedies and household cleaning strategies.

Remedies for Pinworms

The best way to get rid of pinworms is to kill the pinworms with anthelmintic herbs. Anthelmintics are herbs that have bioactive compounds known to kill worms. The most effective herbs for this purpose are cloves, wormwood, and green black walnut hulls. You can find these herbs together in a natural herbal Parasite Detox supplement, and this is the best way to consume them for the purpose of getting rid of parasites—especially worm parasites like pinworms. The brand Zuma Nutrition has a high-quality Parasite Detox Supplement.

Household Cleaning Strategies

In addition to taking natural remedies, a specific regimen of hygiene and household cleaning is essential to completely eliminating the pinworm eggs.

  • Make sure that the person who’s been infected and other household members practice thorough handwashing with warm water and soap, especially before eating.
  • Encourage everyone in the household to shower and change their underwear every morning.
  • Clean everyone’s fingernails and cut them short.
  • Instruct everyone to stop biting their nails.
  • Tell the person who’s been infected to refrain from scratching the anal area.
  • Use hot water to launder all bedding, towels, washcloths, and clothing in the affected house. Dry these items using high heat.
  • Avoid shaking clothing and bedding to keep pinworm eggs from spreading into the air.
  • Thoroughly clean any surfaces that may be infected, including toys, floors, countertops, and toilet seats.
  • Carefully vacuum all carpeted areas.


Pinworms are a common type of parasitic worm that commonly infects humans. They are white in color and less than a half-inch long and can spread very easily. People often become infected with pinworms by breathing in or ingesting microscopic eggs, which can live on surfaces for weeks. To get rid of pinworm infection, it is recommended to take a natural herbal parasite detox remedy and thoroughly clean your house to kill any eggs or adult pinworms.


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