Pre-employment aptitude tests help to hire the best-fit talents

Pre-employment assessment tests help employers to screen the candidates applying for a job post. It helps to filter the applicants based on their skills, qualifications and suitability for a specific job post. Pre-employment aptitude tests measure the candidate’s intelligence, integrity, emotional intelligence, personality type, unique skills, etc. 

What are pre-employment tests?

Research statistics reveal that about 46% of the new recruits of an organization fail to prove themselves within 18 months of their work in an organization. This shows that the hiring process in any company is not accurate 100%, but it is predictive in nature. This is where employment tests come to the rescue of the recruiters. 

The pre-employment aptitude tests are standard tools to collect information pertaining to the candidate. Professionals prepare these tests, validate them, and make them efficient and reliable to assess the capabilities of the employees. Using such tests will improve the chances of making a good hire for the organization. They can add a lot of value to the organization in its attempt to find the right candidate. 

Significance of pre-employment aptitude tests:

There are many types of pre-employment tests to assess the candidates’ personality, cognition, skills, and EQ. Aptitude tests, in particular, assess the following qualities in the candidates.

  • Ability to learn new skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Understand and apply new techniques at work
  • Critical thinking skills
  • General intelligence and brain power

Such skills are hard to find in the resume and personal interviews alone, and this is where aptitude tests are of significant help. Employers can apply this instrument in any occupation. But they are extremely useful for recruiting mid and higher-level posts in the organization. 


How do pre-employment tests improve the hiring process?

The pre-employment test objectively measures the candidate’s suitability and skills. Thus, it serves as an efficient tool to filter out unsuitable candidates in the process, thus enhancing the quality of the hires. 

Aptitude tests help transform talent acquisition decisions.

Aptitude tests are psychometric evaluations that help to identify the right person for the right job role on the basis of their abilities. The pre-employment aptitude tests project on  diverse domains of candidate evaluation, such as,

  • Cognitive ability
  • Numerical ability
  • Language proficiency
  • Aptitude etc.

Mercer | Mettl offers an extremely useful test that assesses candidates for more than 2,000 job roles. It is capable of measuring both fluid and crystallized reasoning skills in candidates. These tests assess the ability of the candidate to adapt to new learnings and job roles. With the help of these tests, employers will be able to assess the potential of every candidate to succeed in their new job roles.

Apart from assessing the candidates, these test tools offer managers insights and reports to help them make hiring decisions. By identifying the right talent at the right time, these tests help the managers to identify leaders in the organization and nurture them to lead the team in the future.

Bottom Line:

Aptitude tests from Mercer | Mettl can assess the candidates’ job performance in various fields. Thus, it serves as an accurate indicator of job performance. They are twice as effective as job interviews and four times better than predicting the skills of a candidate on the basis of their prior experience.