Printable Facemasks: The New Reality

With the pandemic looming over our heads, there is one thing that the whole world has right now, it is facemasks and sanitizers. Facemasks play a very crucial role in our overall safety and health. Coronavirus is highly contagious and can be prevented only with proper gear and equipment.

Printable Facemasks - image for article 39939


Types of masks available in the market

  • Surgical masks
  • N95 masks
  • Activated carbon filter masks

Importance of face masks

  1. Prevents community transmission of the disease: using face-masks in public is essential for minimising the community transmission of the infection and decreases the rate of infection being spread.
  2. More masks, shorter lockdown period: even when the lockdown period is over for our nation, people are staying indoors because of the widespread infection rate. If people act responsibly and wear the right kind of mask, they can shorten the span of the infection and in turn move out when the pandemic dies down.
  3. Keeps the droplets from spilling: Indian researchers from government and private institutions came up with the study about the aerodynamic flow of particles from the mouth during coughing/sneezing (or speaking vociferously) to show how masks could help in obstructing airborne transmission of the virus.
  4. Makes one feel safer: masks not only not protect the spread of the disease but they might protect our health but also because they’ve concluded it will make us feel safer as we try to get back to a sense of normality.

Can I Look Smart in Face Mask?

Wearing a mask has become the new normal for us and for everyone around the world. While you understand the importance of a face mask, there is a thought that pops up in your mind. Many people feel that these masks make them look weird and make them stand out with their actual outfit preference. This is why with the going on trends, printable masks have come up which provide adequate safety and are also a perfect fit for your daily outfits!

Surprised? Yes, now with a printable face mask you can keep yourself safe and yet look stylish. Ladies may choose to make unique and beautiful printable masks that match their outfits. For kids; well kids love to dress up. Printed with bears, bunnies, cats, dogs, superheroes or any colourful kid-friendly theme would attract them.

How to make a printable mask

  1. For a two-layer mask, cut the fabric according to your design. You need two kinds of fabric; one is for lining and one is for the main protection.
  2. Sew the main fabric with the secondary one.
  3. Merge the main and the lining fabrics.
  4. Sew the edge of top and bottom of the right side for the proper design.
  5. Add elastic bands on the sides as per your convenience.

To Sum up

Beadnova helps you with a step-by-step guide to help you make a customised face mask with filter pocket. A fabric mask may not ensure sufficient protection. A traditional mask may look dull. You may either buy a printable mask of your choice online or just follow the steps and make a few for yourself. Wishing all a healthy future! Stay safe!

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