A Complete Guide to SEO for Law Firms to Boost their Rankings Online in 2021

The key principle of SEO is to enhance the visibility of your law firm by using time-tested optimization strategies to rank higher in the SERPs. These strategies could mean content creation, optimization, and the use of relevant keywords (KWs) that highlight the major practice areas of your legal website.

There is technical SEO involved as well such as your site’s structure as well as code optimization done the right way. Though SEO is a considerable investment, it is a crucial aspect of the marketing mix for those in the online space as competitive as legal firms are.

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Image created by Market Business News.

According to an article published in Forbes, law firms should not undermine the importance of a mobile site because Google is prioritizing mobile web pages more than desktop sites, according to the mobile-first indexing policy of the search engine giant.

In this guide, we will walk you through some of the key strategies to make your law firm’s online presence felt in 2021. Here are is how:

Improve your website structure

Today, you need to design a responsive website to rank better in the SERPs and grab the top spot on Google search results. It is as simple as that. If you are proceeding with a responsive site, focus on how your site is structured and how your content shows up within the website’s structure. It is one of the factors to decide your rankings in the search pages of Google. \

In 2021 and beyond, the user experience is all that matters, and Google rewards those sites that meet the criteria. Your web pages must be logically structured to find the product or service pages as fast as possible.

When it comes to the practice area menu, make it easier for your visitors to find the specialty areas your law firm is adept at, the practice areas to show up within the menu when clicked. The practice areas and about us menu should appear first because these are the sections you want to rank higher in the SERPs. When you have these items prominently shown in the navigation menu, it sends the right authority indications to Google or Bing.

Studies show that prospective clients first view the practice area pages and next to the about us, lawyer profiles, etc. Therefore, structure your site to ensure a pleasing navigation experience for your visitors. In simple words, your visitors should find the information they are looking for on your website. This way, people will find your web pages and navigation user-friendly, thus spending more time on your site, which is a ranking factor too.

Include a blog section on your legal website

When you have a blog with new, original content, Google perceives it as a freshness-ranking indicator. It helps your website to rank higher in the SERPs provided your blog has updated and fresh content. When it comes to blog articles, they help you to target KWs, which are more search-oriented. These KWs usually have volumes of traffic and though the service pages may not rank for these search terms, they are the best for a blog article or post.

If you read the best SEO guide for lawyers, you will learn how blog content matters for SEO, especially when you are in the highly competitive field of law.

You need to choose the best title for your blog post like five ways to find the best truck accident lawyer in California. Alternatively, you can optimize this post for the KW best truck accident attorney in California. You may even integrate geographical tags like truck accident attorneys in Long Beach, California.

When you write a long-form blog about hiring a truck accident attorney, there are chances that people looking for that legal practice area will read your article. Even if people outside the specialization area read your post, it will improve your site’s engagement metrics.

You will find several audiences for blog articles like the one aforementioned. These include website visitors, prospective clients, a user recommending the post to his friends and family, social media users sharing the post, and linking your post to an authority site will improve audience reach as well.

Improve your website URLs

You know KW research is essential in SEO. When you are through, you need to use the search terms in every URL on your legal website sans overdoing it. For instance, if you are using the KW persona injury attorney, do not use the same things in each URL of your website. Use it in moderation.

The use of appropriate KWs is one thing, but stuffing your content with search terms will harm your optimization efforts. For example, if you want to use a better URL for the about us page, it could be something like www.domain-name/about-law-firm. It is a good URL to choose, as the page is about your law firm. It’s is related to a specific service you provide to your clients.

On-page elements – Content

Content is king when it comes to the optimization of your legal website. Your home page should have fresh, relevant, and informative content to help your site rank better in the search results. Besides the home page, what other pages do you have?

Most essentially, you need to create a landing page that informs about the key services your law firm provides, connecting to the individual web pages for the practice areas. For instance, you can create a landing page discussing your law firm’s services in a generic way, why clients prefer your services and things like that.

Next from the service page, you may link to a web page that has content related to how you assist victims of a truck accident and help them claim fair compensation from the at-fault party. This way, you can link to several of the practice areas you have with your landing page. Make sure that you link to all the essential legal services you offer to your clients.


When you include SEO strategies in your marketing campaign, you need to monitor how your website is performing after integrating the optimization tactics. It means measuring your site traffic, lead generation, and clients inquiring about your legal services.

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