Should You Outsource Your SEO or Keep It In-House?

Some businesses like keeping everything in-house while others are more than happy to outsource some tasks. 

When it comes to staying on top of SEO metrics, organizations typically have different approaches. Some want to keep it in-house, so this way, they have complete control over every aspect of their website from the content to the backlinks. Other businesses prefer letting professional SEO services in Westminster, CO take care of everything.

If you’re on the fence over whether to outsource your SEO, there are a few good reasons why it often makes sense to hand it off to the professionals.

Reasons Why You May Want to Outsource SEO

Even if you have a robust marketing team, this doesn’t necessarily mean they are sitting around bored. Advertising is a full-time job and this is before you add SEO into the mix. Sometimes, there just isn’t enough time in the workday to get everything done. A simple solution is outsourcing SEO.

So, along with helping to guarantee that your marketing team isn’t overwhelmed. What are some of the other reasons you may want to partner with an SEO services provider?

Reduce Marketing Expenses

Budget planning typically includes setting aside funds for your advertising and marketing campaigns. Even if you’re not relying on print advertising, effective marketing is often still expensive. Your team needs time to create an effective strategy. You may need more than a single marketing ploy to reach your target audiences.

Reaching your target audience typically means employing SEO practices, which may not sound too difficult, after all just about anyone can insert a few keywords into content. However, best SEO practices involve more than using keywords. SEO can be complex and isn’t easy to learn, especially as search engine guidelines are constantly changing.

Instead of paying for your team to learn SEO, and continue staying current with the latest trends, it often makes financial sense to hand the work off to the experts. In the long run, it’s more cost-effective to pay for SEO services instead of continually training your in-house team. Besides, it can take years to learn SEO and you don’t want to wait too long to launch an effective marketing campaign.

Best of all, you can pick and choose which SEO services you need. This way, you can further reduce marketing expenses without sacrificing quality.

You Get a Complete Marketing Strategy

Okay, so we already mentioned SEO is more than inserting a few keywords in your site’s content. This is a start but it’s only going to take you so far. Search engines like Google and Microsoft’s Bing look for additional metrics.

Why do you want to meet these metrics? If you aren’t staying on top of the search engine guidelines, your website probably isn’t ranking very high in the results. The higher your website ranks, the more likely someone will click on your link.

Think about it:when was the last time you clicked over to the second search engine result page? If you answered never, you’re definitely not alone. Most online searchers never scroll past the first page of results. So, if your site is ranking 11th you’re probably missing out on a lot of organic traffic.

With SEO services, you get keywords and so much more. You can have content on social media sites like Facebook and even YouTube. Yes, YouTube is a platform that shouldn’t be ignored. However, developing content for the various platforms is time-consuming and rarely easy.

SEO services can also take care of link building, and you can have authoritative links sprinkled throughout your content. This is only an example of what SEO services can do for your marketing strategy.

No Need to Worry About Black Hat SEO

What is black hat SEO? Black hat SEO practices are something you always want to avoid. Black hat SEO refers to tactics that drop your website’s rankings instead of boosting your search results.

An example of black hat SEO is using links that are considered spammy or low-quality. These are links that take you to a directory or are so outdated the information is no longer correct or relevant.

 Often, black hat SEO tactics are employed by individuals who simply don’t understand best practices. Remember how we mentioned it can take years to become proficient at SEO? Your in-house team may be using black hat practices without even realizing it.

You may glance over the content, notice the addition of the links, and okay it being uploaded to your site. However, search engines will pick up on the spammy links and demote your site in the rankings. With an SEO service, you get white hat SEO designed to improve your domain authority score.

Educate Your In-House Team

Even though SEO practices are constantly changing, outsourcing the work can provide your in-house team with a unique learning opportunity. No, you probably can’t send your team to work directly with the SEO service, but this doesn’t mean they still can’t pick up a trick or two.

Your in-house marketing department will still review, possibly edit, and publish the content. They’ll also have access to a list of every task the SEO services complete. 

Sometimes, simply looking over everything the SEO services send in is enough to give your team a passing familiarity with SEO. This doesn’t mean you can stop outsourcing your SEO, your team isn’t going to be able to learn everything. However, in time, you may come to depend a little less on your SEO partner.

Outsourcing SEO Often Makes Sense

Did you know Google changes its search engine algorithm up to 500 times each year? Just imagine asking your marketing department to stay current with these changes and keep up with their daily tasks. Your marketing team is going to quickly burn out, and this is never good for productivity.

Sometimes, it just makes sense to outsource your SEO. You save time, money, and possibly your employees’ sanity. With SEO, you get optimized content across different platforms without having to spend a lot of resources to ensure that you’re using the best practices.