Technology / Media

How AI and IoT Can Help, But Create Privacy Concerns in COVID-19 Critical Event Management

How AI and IoT Can Help, But Create Privacy Concerns in COVID-19 Critical Event Management

The COVID-19 Pandemic has created a need for accurate and dependable information during the time of crisis management in order…

20 Top Tips on How to Better Market a Restaurant

After eating at home for so long it’s now likely that everyone’s forgotten where the best places to eat in…

5 Best Email Marketing Software To Grow Your Business

If you want to grow your business, email marketing is one of the best ways to do it. Email marketing…

Transform Your Room into a Perfect Study with these Awesome Furniture Ideas

Home offices have become a very common scenario in the last few months, and the sudden transition to working from…

How Big is the SEO Market?

The value of the massive search engine optimization (SEO) market ranges between $65 billion and $80 billion, depending on the…

Is it OK to Send Email Reminders to Patients?

Emails are a great way to remind your patients of their appointments.  Some of the advantages of email reminders are…

Why Cloud Storage Makes BYOD Policies Safer

Does your company have a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy? Employees are generally more productive when they’re allowed to…

Things To Know: How EMI Schemes On Cards Work?

Knowing about EMI Schemes on cards has become very important for business owners nowadays. Be it the credit card swipe…

Top Films About Data Privacy and Why You Need to Watch Them

Those of us who have had our social media accounts hacked know all about the perils of storing our data…

4 Tips to Speed Up the Growth of Your Startup Business

As a business owner, you want your startup to grow quickly. While there is no exact recipe for this, there…