Technology / Media

Reasons Why You Should Start a Business This New Year

Reasons Why You Should Start a Business This New Year

Becoming financially solvent and feeling total independence is a dream shared by most. Loving the work you do and having…

What To Look For In An Employee Cell Phone Monitoring App

Technology continues to become a major component in today’s work environment. Cell phones, computers, laptops, GPS devices, apps, social media,…

Creating a Great Website for Your Law Firm With These Simple Steps

Websites are seen as necessary for any business that aspires to function with strength through being informative. It demands a…

Live chat tools help boost sales for e-vendors, study finds

According to new research published in the INFORMS journal Information Systems Research, live chat tools can help boost sales and…

5 Must-Have Tech Solutions for Your Business

It is rather incredible to look back and see how much technology has changed just about everything we do. You’d…

City Services Screech to Halt Thanks to Ransomware

A criminal is holding your business for ransom. What do you do? Pay it or possibly lose everything. Learn more…

5 Ways a Point-of-Sale (POS) System Can Help You Run Your Business

Starting your own business is an exhilarating time. Your hopes and dreams are at a peak, your marketing is coming…

Security Tips to Protect Your Website From Hackers

Operating an online business is a complex task. However, if one does not put safety first, all the other efforts…

How Are Proxies Used in a Business Environment?

Whenever you hear the term proxy server, the immediate picture that comes to mind is of a teenager who is…

6 Currency Exchange Facts That You Didn’t Know

Foreign currency exchange is one of the most actively and widely traded markets in the world, with an average trading…