The best claims management system for your business

Claims Management Systems are designed to help you manage your insurance claims. They are built to simplify the insurance claims management process, making it easier for businesses to manage claims, track the progress of claims, and ensure all necessary documentation is obtained, and in order. 

With so many claims management systems available, here are some questions you might ask yourself when choosing the right software solution for your business?

  1. In general, what are the benefits of a Claim Management System?
  2. How can the claims management system help with the common challenges in insurance claims management today?
  3. How user-friendly/intuitive is the claims management system?
  4. Is it a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution or an ‘on premises’ solution?
  5. How often is the software updated, and how do the upgrades work?
  6. What claims tracking & document management functionality does it have?
  7. What automation/workflows/task assignment and communication functionality does it have?
  8. What reporting functionality does it have, and does it integrate with any Business Intelligence platforms?
  9. Does the solution provide options to create bespoke FNOLs to interface with your customer self-service claims portals, enabling you to provide better customer service and win new business?
  10. What software support does the supplier provide, and what service level agreements are in place?  Also, how long has the supplier been in business?

Alphatec is a longstanding, award-winning software solutions company who have supported hundreds of businesses with innovative software. Their proprietary claims management system, ClaimControl, has been created with the customer in mind. In designing it, Alphatec considered: 

Benefits of a Claims Management System

A claims management system offers a multitude of advantages for insurance providers. Primarily, it streamlines the entire claims process, from initial notification to settlement. By automating routine tasks, such as data entry and status updates, systems like ClaimControl significantly improve efficiency and productivity.

Moreover, a centralised platform enhances visibility and control over the claim’s lifecycle. With real-time access to claim information, insurers can make informed decisions, identify potential issues early on, and prioritise claims effectively. This improved oversight leads to faster claim resolution times and increased customer satisfaction.

Another key benefit is cost reduction. By automating processes and minimising manual errors, insurance companies can achieve substantial savings in operational expenses. Additionally, advanced analytics capabilities enable the identification of fraud patterns and the implementation of preventive measures, further reducing financial losses.

Furthermore, a good claims management system will have functionality that facilitates compliance with regulatory requirements. It ensures that all claims are handled according to industry standards and legal obligations, mitigating the risk of penalties and reputational damage.

Ultimately, a system like ClaimControl empowers insurers to focus on delivering exceptional customer service. With streamlined processes, faster claim resolution, and improved communication, policyholders benefit from a positive claims experience.

Common Challenges in Claims Management

There are several challenges when managing claims effectively.

Some of the most common issues include:   

Increased claim volumes: Rising claim numbers can overwhelm staff and lead to delays.

Fraudulent claims: Detecting and preventing fraudulent claims is crucial to protect profits.

Complex claims: Large or complex claims can be time-consuming and resource-intensive to manage.   

Data management: Handling vast amounts of claim data efficiently is essential for analysis and decision-making.   

Customer satisfaction: Meeting customer expectations for timely and fair claim settlements is increasingly important.

How Claims Management Systems Address These Challenges

A robust claims management system can effectively address these challenges by:

Automating routine tasks: Streamlining processes such as data entry, document management, and status updates frees up staff to focus on complex claims.

Analytics: Utilising data to identify patterns and anomalies can help detect fraudulent claims.   

Case management tools: Providing tools to manage complex claims efficiently, including collaboration features and task management.

Centralised data repository: Storing all claim-related information in one place facilitates analysis and reporting.

Improved communication: Enabling effective communication with policyholders and stakeholders can enhance customer satisfaction.

With these requirements in mind, Alphatec’s claims management system was developed to address the needs they knew their customers had. 

Intuitive Claims Management

Alphatec’s ClaimControl is renowned for its user-friendly interface, making complex claims management tasks accessible to users of all technical abilities. Designed with the end-user in mind, the system’s intuitive navigation and clear functionality streamline the claims process. In fact, a recent customer survey revealed that a remarkable 67% of users cited ‘ease of use’ as their favourite aspect of this claims management system. This testament to ClaimControl’s user-centric design underscores its ability to enhance efficiency and productivity within claims departments.

The Power of SaaS

Unlike traditional on-premises software, Alphatec’s ClaimControl is a cloud-based SaaS solution. This means that instead of requiring significant upfront investment in hardware and IT infrastructure, businesses can access the software through a subscription model. This approach offers several advantages, including reduced IT overhead, automatic updates, and enhanced scalability to accommodate fluctuating workloads. By eliminating the burden of software maintenance and providing access from any internet-connected device, ClaimControl empowers businesses to focus on core operations while reaping the benefits of a robust claims management system.

Always Up to Date

As a SaaS solution, ClaimControl benefits from continuous improvement. Alphatec is committed to enhancing the software, incorporating the latest industry best practices, and addressing user feedback. These upgrades are seamlessly delivered, requiring no manual intervention or downloads. This ensures that users always have access to the most advanced features and functionalities, optimising efficiency and accuracy in claims management.

Comprehensive Claims Tracking and Document Management

ClaimControl offers powerful claims tracking and document management capabilities. The system provides a centralised platform to monitor claim status, progress, and key milestones. With advanced search and filtering options, users can easily locate specific claims and retrieve relevant information. Moreover, ClaimControl’s integrated document management module allows for secure storage, retrieval, and version control of all claim-related documents, ensuring efficient collaboration and compliance.

Streamlined Workflows and Enhanced Efficiency

ClaimControl is designed to optimise efficiency through automation, workflow management, task assignment, and communication features. The claims management system allows for the creation of custom workflows tailored to specific claim types, ensuring that each claim follows the correct process steps. Automated tasks, such as data entry and status updates, reduce manual effort and minimise errors. Additionally, ClaimControl facilitates seamless task assignment and delegation within the claims team, improving accountability and productivity. Built-in communication tools enable efficient collaboration and information sharing among stakeholders, accelerating claim resolution.

Data-Driven Decision Making with Business Intelligence

ClaimControl empowers organisations to make informed, data-driven decisions through its excellent reporting capabilities and seamless integration with business intelligence (BI) platforms. Our Claims Management System generates a wide range of standard and customisable reports, providing valuable insights into claims performance, trends, and key metrics. From claim volumes and average handling times to cost analysis and recovery rates, ClaimControl offers the data necessary to identify areas for improvement, optimise processes, and measure performance against key performance indicators (KPIs). 

By leveraging these insights, businesses can enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve overall claims management outcomes.  ClaimControl’s data can be seamlessly integrated into popular BI platforms, allowing for advanced data visualisation, analysis, and forecasting. This enables users to uncover hidden patterns, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions with great confidence.  With ClaimControl, organisations can transform their claims data into actionable intelligence, driving better business outcomes. 

Tailored FNOL for Enhanced Customer Experience

ClaimControl empowers businesses to deliver exceptional customer experiences through its ability to create bespoke First Notification of Loss (FNOL) forms. These forms can be seamlessly integrated with customer self-service claims portals, providing a convenient and efficient way for policyholders to report claims. By offering tailored FNOL options, insurers can gather the specific information required for each claim type, streamlining the claims process and improving data accuracy. This flexibility enhances customer satisfaction while optimising operational efficiency.

Comprehensive Support and Proven Expertise

Alphatec offers comprehensive software support to ensure optimal performance and user satisfaction. With dedicated support teams available to assist with technical issues, queries, and training, users can rely on timely assistance. Service Level Agreements (SLAs) outline response times and resolution targets, providing clear expectations for support services.

Established in 1996, Alphatec boasts a rich history of delivering innovative software solutions to various sectors throughout the world. This extensive experience has solidified the company’s position as a trusted partner, providing clients with a proven track record of success in claims management.

If you want to learn how Alphatec’s ClaimControl can streamline your claims process and improve efficiency, please get in touch on our website.