Thinking about taking Florida real estate license classes online – here is how you can get your license

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If you are on a mission to begin buying and selling houses for your new career, taking digital courses can be the best way to further your education with the flexibility of studying and learning from your own home.

Take Florida real estate classes online to get your license

If you are considering taking Florida real estate classes online, this can be a great day to educate yourself, feel confident going into your final exam, and broaden your scope of knowledge so you can comprehensively know all the topics about the real estate world. By taking classes online, there are numerous benefits that you might not immediately think of. Along with learning more about the business, you can study from the comfort of your own home and schedule the class on your own time!

Keep in mind that before you sign up for Florida real estate license classes online you should look into the requirements and prerequisites. You can sign up to take Florida real estate classes online even if you are not a Florida resident – if you simply want to work in Florida in the future, you can sign up for these classes so you can earn the state license exam and be qualified to work in this state.

Furthermore, you can complete this course entirely online. By providing you with the flexibility of when to take the course during your busy day and when to take the course – from the comfort of your own bedroom or your own home office – you can increase the flexibility of your education experience. 

Lastly, you can take the state license exam from your own home. After you have taken Florida real estate classes online, you can take the final exam from your house, reducing the stress of getting to and from the sting center, reducing any distractions you may have in a testing room, and staying comfortable in your own house. 

Make sure that you meet these prerequisites before you can sign up to take Florida real estate classes online. You must be at least 18 years of age, you must have a United States social security number, and you must hold a high school diploma or an equivalent. Only then can you begin to take the classes and continue on to get your real estate license. 

After you have taken the class online, you will have to take the final exam for your course. Typically, you will have to get a 70% or higher to consider a passing grade, once you have passed, you can move onto the next step. If you fail, you will need to take a retest of the exam within one year. 

Once you have passed your exam of the online classes, you can then submit your fingerprints to the professional regulation department in Florida to ensure you are not introduced to the law. After this, you can complete the license application and pass the final Florida real estate exam.


Taking Florida real estate classes online is an easy and flexible way to get your education. Once you are 18 years old, you have a US social security number, and you have a high school diploma or equivalent, you can sign up for classes to start the process of becoming a real estate agent.

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