Top 5 SEO Tools Every Digital Marketer Needs in 2024

Imagine this: you’re chilling in your office, staring at a bunch of browser tabs open with analytics, reports, and SEO strategies. Sound familiar? If so, you know how clutch it is to have the right tools at your fingertips.

But seriously, picking the right tools is like trying to choose your favorite candy in a candy store. There are so many options, and they all look amazing! So, we’ve made it easy for you by putting together a list of the top five SEO tools no digital marketer should be without in 2024. That’s what we’re discussing in the article today!

  1. Google Analytics for SEO

Google Analytics is a go-to tool for SEO pros. Even in 2024, it’s still a must-have powerhouse that helps you figure out how people find your site and what they do once they’re there.

Google Analytics is your personal spy. It tracks who’s visiting your site, where they came from, what they do, and how long they hang out. This info helps you see what’s working and what needs fixing ASAP. Here are some key features of Google Analytics:

Traffic Reports

Curious about where all that traffic is coming from? Google Analytics breaks it down—whether people find you through organic search, social media, paid ads, or just typing in your URL. For example, if most of your visitors come from organic search, congrats—your SEO is strong!

Keyword Analysis

Want to know which keywords are driving people to your site? Google Analytics has your back. Say your site often pops up in searches for “best restaurants in Toronto.” Time to pump out more content on that topic to reel in even more visitors!

User Behavior Analysis

Google Analytics shows you what users do on your site: which pages they hit up, how long they stick around, and how they navigate through. If people are bouncing off a certain page, it’s a red flag that something’s off. Whether it’s hard-to-read text, slow loading times, or a poor mobile experience, it’s your cue to step in and fix it up. While you’re at it, a desktop time tracker can help you monitor how long you spend on these improvements, ensuring you’re using your time efficiently to boost your site’s performance.

Conversion Reports

Some people see search engine optimisation as only a way to attract traffic. But the most important thing is actually turning visitors into customers. Google Analytics shows which pages and actions lead to conversions. If pages with detailed product info lead to more sales, it’s time to double down on those.

Here’s how you can use Google Analytics for SEO:

  • Fixing High Bounce Rate Pages, Got pages with high bounce rates? That’s a hint that there’s a content or user experience problem. Use user behavior reports to spot these pages and tweak them.
  • Optimizing for Mobile Traffic. Check out the mobile traffic report to see how people interact with your site on their phones. If mobile users make up a big chunk of your visitors but aren’t sticking around, it’s time to upgrade your mobile site. Keep in mind, 60,7% of users browse on their phones, while only 37.1% are on desktops.
  • Evaluating Keyword Performance. Use keyword reports to see which terms are bringing in the most traffic and conversions. Focus on those keywords when creating content and optimizing your pages.

Google Analytics gives you all the info you need to improve your site stats. So, if you’ve been sleeping on this tool, it’s time to wake up and give it a shot!

  1. Google Search Console

Since we started with a tool from Google, it makes sense to keep talking about Google Search Console. Google Search Console is our go-to tool, and it should be in every SEO pro’s toolkit.

One great thing about Google Search Console (GSC) is that it’s a free tool from Google. It helps webmasters and marketers track and optimize their site’s presence in search results. In short, this tool provides tons of useful info on how Google views and indexes your site. Here are some key features of Google Search Console:

Performance Reports

GSC shows which queries bring users to your site, how many clicks and impressions your pages get, and your average position in search results. For example, if you see that your page on “best coffee shops in Toronto” gets lots of impressions but not many clicks, you might want to rethink your title or meta description to make it more appealing.

Page Indexing

With GSC, you can track which pages of your site are indexed by Google and which ones aren’t. If any important pages aren’t indexed, you can find the reason and fix it. For instance, the problem might be in the robots.txt file, which accidentally blocks important pages.

Search Queries and Clicks

GSC shows which keywords users are using to find your site and how many clicks and impressions these keywords get. This way, you can see which queries need optimizing. Let’s say you notice the query “organic teas” brings a lot of traffic, but you’re not ranking in the top spots. That’s your cue to work on the content and backlinks to get those top positions.

Errors and Fixes

GSC alerts you to any problems with your site, often indexing errors, mobile usability issues, or security policy violations. You can spot errors, fix them quickly, and avoid a drop in search rankings.

Here are a few examples of how you can use GSC for SEO:

  • Regularly Check Performance Reports. Weekly analysis of clicks and impressions will help you figure out which pages need improvement. For example, if you have an article on the “best ways to meditate” but it isn’t getting traffic, you should rewrite it and add new keywords.
  • Use Data to Optimize Content. Find queries your site is already ranking for and improve the relevant content. Let’s say your page on “yoga for beginners” ranks on the second search results page. Enhance the titles, add new sections, or include videos to make the content more valuable and boost its rank.
  • Monitor Backlinks. GSC shows which sites link to your resource. Use this info to build more quality links. For example, if you see a popular health blog linking to your article on “benefits of green tea,” try to connect with that blog and offer new materials for publication. This proactive approach to backlink management can help you expand your network of high-quality referring domains and boost your site’s authority.

GSC is a fantastic helper, and using it regularly gives you valuable insights.

  1. Moz Pro

Moz Pro is a tool you seriously can’t live without. First off, Moz Pro is an all-in-one SEO tool. It gives you a powerful suite of features for analyzing, monitoring, and optimizing your site. It has everything you can think of and more. Essentially, it’s a bunch of necessary tools wrapped into one. Here are some key features of Moz Pro:

Keyword Explorer

One of the most powerful and coolest keyword research tools out there. Keyword Explorer helps you find relevant and profitable keywords by evaluating their search volume, difficulty, and potential CTR. For example, if you’re promoting a fitness site, you might find that the keyword “yoga for beginners” has high search volume and moderate competition. Go ahead and create targeted content to attract tons of traffic.

Site Crawl

This tool scans your site for technical errors that could negatively impact your SEO. Imagine you have an online store and discover that many pages have duplicate meta descriptions. Site Crawl helps you quickly find and fix these errors. This leads to improved overall site visibility.

Rank Tracking

Moz Pro lets you track your keywords’ positions in search results. This is especially useful for understanding which changes on your site actually work. For instance, you optimized a page for the query “best vegan recipes” and wanted to see if it worked. Rank Tracking will show you how this page’s position has changed in search results.

Link Explorer

This tool analyzes your overall Domain Authority and backlink profile, showing you which sites are linking to your content and which of those links bring the most value. Say you find that an authoritative cooking blog links to your article on “healthy eating.” It’s time to have your outreach team connect with that blog, establish a partnership, and get more quality links.

Here are some examples of how you can use Moz Pro:

  • Optimizing Your Blog. Let’s say you have a travel blog. Using Keyword Explorer, you find keywords with a high chance of attracting traffic, like “best vacation spots in 2024.” You create content for these keywords and track their positions with Rank Tracking. Finally, you see real traffic growth.
  • Competitor Analysis. Moz Pro lets you analyze competitor sites. You want to know and understand their strategies, right? For example, you can see which keywords bring them the most traffic and which links they’re getting. These insights will help you improve your strategy, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
  • Technical Audits. With Site Crawl, you can perform a full technical audit of your site, and identify, and fix issues that might hinder your SEO. For example, you’ll find broken links or mobile site problems, fix them, and improve the user experience.

Moz Pro provides everything you need to make your site better, faster, and more visible in search engines.

  1. Keyword Planner

Keyword Planner is a killer tool built right into Google Ads. It helps you find relevant keywords for your content, and evaluate their search volume, competition, and cost-per-click.  This is super handy if you’re setting up ad campaigns or trying to improve your organic traffic. How does Keyword Planner work?

Keyword Research

Keyword Planner lets you find out what keywords people are actually using when they search online. For example, if you’re in the business of selling women’s clothes, you might discover that queries like “white cotton sundress” or “black mule sandals” have a ton of searches. You will then create your content and ad campaigns to target these keywords.

Competition Analysis

The tool shows you how tough the competition is for each keyword, so you can figure out how hard it’ll be to rank for those keywords. If you find that “black sandals” is super competitive, you might want to pivot to keywords with less competition, like “black mules.”

Forecasts and Budgets

Keyword Planner also gives you a peek into forecasts for keywords. It shows you the expected number of clicks and how much you might spend on ads. This is great for budgeting and figuring out your potential ROI.

For example, if you see that ads for “yoga leggings” have a low cost-per-click and a high conversion rate, you know it’s a smart bet for your campaign.

Here’s how you can use Keyword Planner:

  • Creating a Content Plan. Say you’ve got a blog about healthy living. You can use Keyword Planner and uncover hot queries like “healthy breakfast recipes” or “beginner workouts.” You then build content around these keywords to attract your audience, improve traffic, and climb the search rankings. It’s simple and works brilliantly.
  • Optimizing Ad Campaigns. If you’re setting up a Google Ads campaign, Keyword Planner can point you to the most effective keywords. Suppose you sell organic beauty products and want to set up an ad. You might find that “natural moisturizing cream” has a high search volume but low competition. This helps you spend your budget wisely and get more clicks for less. Small businesses often run on tight budgets, so blowing cash on pricey campaigns isn’t always an option.
  • Finding New Opportunities. Keyword Planner can highlight new growth opportunities. Maybe you notice that searches for “eco-friendly products” are trending. This could spark ideas for adding a new section to your website, creating an ebook on the topic, or launching a new product line.

Google Ads Keyword Planner is an awesome tool for keyword research. It would be great to see every digital marketer make it part of their arsenal.

  1. Majestic

If you want to uncover all the secrets behind the links pointing to your site (or even your competitors’ sites), Majestic is the tool you need.

Majestic is a tool for backlink analysis. Why does this matter? Because the more high-quality links that lead to your site, the more “weight” and authority it has in the eyes of search engines. The key word here is “quality.” Junk links don’t do much good. Majestic helps you track where these links are coming from and how valuable they are (whether they’re junk or genuinely effective links that get results). How does it work?

Majestic provides two main data sets: Trust Flow and Citation Flow. These two metrics help you evaluate the quality and quantity of your backlinks.

  • Trust Flow measures the trustworthiness passed through a link. The higher this score, the more reliable the link is.
  • Citation Flow shows how many links point to a site. This is the number of “votes” for your site.

For example, imagine you have a tech innovations site. If a well-known tech blog links to your site, the Trust Flow will be high (indicating the link has strong authority). But a link from some random forum won’t boast such results. This is super handy for digital SEO pros. Not everyone is a guru in link building, but we all understand how vital this info is and how valuable backlinks are for ranking.If you’re looking to improve your site’s ranking and get high-quality backlinks, you might want to consider hiring an SEO agency

Here’s how you can use Majestic:

  • Competitor Analysis. With Majestic, you can easily see which links are pointing to your competitors’ sites. This can give you ideas for building your own strategies and finding new opportunities. Replicating your competitors’ links may actually be a smart move.
  • Identifying “Bad” Links. Majestic helps spot links that could be harmful to your site. If you find links pointing to spammy or low-quality sites, get rid of them ASAP.
  • Tracking Link Growth. You can monitor how the number and quality of links to your site change over time. This is useful for understanding the effectiveness of your SEO campaigns.

Majestic is like a charming tool for SEO, especially if you want to finally get a grip on managing and understanding backlinks.


So, ready to get to work? Now that you know about the top five SEO tools for 2024, it’s time to take action! These tools are your ultimate toolkit for fighting for top spots in search results.

Each one has unique features that could become your secret weapon. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all in SEO. So, try them out, test things, and find the tool that fits perfectly into your strategy. Remember, success comes to those who aren’t afraid to experiment and adapt their methods.

Interesting Related Article: “How to See the Google Analytics Keywords for Your Website