Why Optimization as a Service is the Newest Tech Market

How much time do you spend optimizing your business website? A few hours each month? Or have you decided to skip optimization until you have enough income to justify the extra time and effort?

It seems logical to wait until you can justify the expense of running an optimization campaign, but that’s backward. Optimization is a fundamental business component. You don’t want to wait for more income before running an optimization campaign – you use an optimization campaign to generate more income.

Optimization as a Service is the Newest Tech Market

Image created by Market Business News.

Traditionally, business owners have had to learn optimization techniques and strategies to optimize digital marketing campaigns. The most challenging aspect of optimization has always been the need to learn new applications and techniques like split testing. However, that’s changing.

Optimization as a Service (OaaS) has arrived

Optimization as a Service (OaaS) is officially the hottest emerging service in the tech market. You’re probably familiar with Software as a Service (SaaS), where software applications are provided as a monthly service hosted in the cloud. Optimization as a Service is similar.

Launched by optimization experts at Optimizely, OaaS combines powerful A/B and multivariate testing with personalized targeting and content/product recommendations. Optimization as a Service is designed to help digital marketers meet and exceed conversion goals. For example, the Wall Street Journal used OaaS and saw a 64% increase in digital subscriptions.

OaaS from Optimizely makes optimization easy because you don’t need to program your own split testing. You’ll need a basic level of marketing knowledge to run proper tests, but the system handles the technicalities on the back end.

Split testing is the foundation for optimization

In order to reach your target audience more effectively, you need to know what makes website visitors take action and what repels conversions. You’ll discover this information through split testing, which is what Optimizely has been known for over the last decade. In fact, Optimizely is often cited as the number one split testing application around.

The entire optimization process isn’t simple by any means. It requires testing, analyzing data, and making small changes before running more tests. The cycle of testing and analysis is continual. Each time you obtain more data about what’s working (or not), you’ll make the appropriate changes and run more tests.

Optimization as a Service (OaaS) eliminates the need for multiple applications

Normally, a full optimization campaign requires using multiple software applications. For instance, you’ll need to analyze customer behavior, perform online testing, and make personalized recommendations – all of which require individual applications.

Even though it’s easy to launch these three separate applications, there’s a major problem – the data exists in a silo in each one. It’s not easy to get these types of applications to talk to each other, and even when you do find solid third-party software, it takes even more time and money to set up.

Optimizely’s Optimization as a Service solved this dilemma by offering all three functions on the OaaS platform.

Optimization as a Service provides unbeatable convenience

Optimizing your business website and online experiences can be cumbersome when you have to juggle multiple applications that collect data in a silo.

Siloed data won’t help you see the bigger picture because the three main elements of optimization don’t work in a vacuum – they are interconnected.

Most businesses focus on optimizing conversions, but ignore personalized recommendations. However, offering the right recommendations plays a major role in increasing conversions. That’s why OaaS is destined to become a standard digital marketing solution.

Optimization as a Service is going to become a standard

The whole point of optimization is to identify what works, what doesn’t, and make changes to continually improve your business operations. Part of this requires optimizing your content and social media experiences to better reach your target audience.

When you can reach your target audience at a deeper level, you’ll increase your conversions. However, if you’re not using the right tools, or your data exists in a silo, you’re probably not getting powerful insights.

Since OaaS provides the foundation required to reach customers with more personalized content, there’s no reason not to use it in your digital marketing campaign.

Use Optimizely to power up your digital marketing strategy

If you haven’t already switched to Optimizely for A/B testing, ecommerce, or as a CMS, you’re in for a treat. Optimizely now has several different applications that make digital marketing easier and more powerful. For instance, you can run your website on the Optimizely CMS and seamlessly integrate split testing and other native optimization tools.

If you’re serious about digital marketing, consider looking into Optimization as a Service – you won’t be disappointed.

Interesting related article: “What is Digital Marketing?