Why should you consider using Magento e-commerce platform for your online store?

Did you know e-commerce is estimated to grow over $3 trillion from 2021 to 2026? We’re already at the point where a fifth of global retail is going through online shopping, and since the growing trend started, it hasn’t slowed a bit.

Aside from the global pandemic that speeded up the digitalization of services, global smartphone penetration and broadband internet availability also pushed trends toward huge increases in e-commerce sales.

Online shops are not merely an addition to traditional brick-and-mortar shops but are becoming the leading players in the global retail economy. That is why you need reliable technology to boost your web store project. Whether you’re building a brand new online store or migrating from an older technology, there are several essential reasons to consider Magento.

What is Magento

One of the ten leading providers of e-commerce platforms, Magento currently powers around 250,000 websites. Since its inception in 2008, the platform has evolved, and along the way, it gathered a massive community of developers. You can find more than 300,000 developers who can help you transform Magento store ideas into reality.

This open-source technology is based on PHP and comes with a robust set of features. In 2018, Adobe acquired Magento, and the branding changed to Adobe Commerce. If you want to choose Adobe offerings, you will have diverse plans and fees to pay. Because the underlying Magento technology is open source, you can use it for free.

Some of the most distinctive features include SEO optimization, category management, and a focus on mobile-friendly design. Before you choose Magento development services, let’s dive into the specific benefits of the platform.

Top advantages of using Magento

Magento is open-source technology, meaning everybody can use it and make custom changes, giving flexibility to the Magento web design team. The core platform is rich with features, but you can further enhance the capabilities and create a unique online store experience.

With more than 70% of online sales coming from mobile phones, you will want a mobile-friendly design for your new shop. Magento uses HTML5 and responsive design so that your website performs and looks well on smartphones. You will have a mobile-optimized experience for the online store if you choose Magento.

Another essential area where this solution stands out is loading speed. Slow websites are enemies of e-coommerce shop, as people will avoid sluggish pages and quickly move on to another website. You must also invest in your servers to have exceptional loading times.

Since Magento is open source, you must find hosting providers that can cater to your needs if you use it for free. While this might be off-putting for some companies, it is a chance to find quality, affordable hosting.

Generating loads of organic traffic towards your website is every online store owner’s dream. One of the best ways to do it is through comprehensive SEO efforts. Magento thrives in this environment, offering SEO-friendly CMS. You can implement search-optimized URLs, layers of navigation, meta tags and descriptions, keyword implementation, and many others.

Displaying products on the Magento website

Developing an online shop comes with its own set of requirements. Beyond the usual concerns that web developers handle, there are specific features you’ll need to ensure a smooth and enjoyable shopping experience.

Some of the basic options of Magento include high-end product management. You can have numerous images, comments, and reviews and create a list of favorites. Building on each product, Magento offers excelllent category management. Simply put, you can distribute products through easily searchable and logical product categories.

One of the essential elements of each Magento store is inventory. You can manage products in stock, import new items quickly, and export reports so that you always know the inventory status.

With over 15 years behind e-commerce projects, Magento has implemented a lot of payment methods so you can connect credit cards, PayPal, Google Checkout, and various external payment modules.

Because customer support is one of the pillars of retail, you can find chatbot module extension, helpdesk ticketing system software, WhatsApp contact extension and others that can elevate customer support options. You can also implement marketing tools like coupons and various promotion programs like catalog price rule and cart price rule, and Magento websites come with speedy search options.

Other things to consider

Security is a big thing for online store owners. You will handle the delicate personal data of potentially thousands of customers. Simultaneously, you will handle money transactions. Having top-notch security is a must, and Magento offers multiple levels of security, including the latest SSL protection.

Because it is open source, your developers can customize the layout and add new features. On top of that, you also have already made plug-ins and add-ons engineered by a massive community of developers working with this technology for over 15 years. Magento allows easy third-party software integration, and you can easily connect services like MailChimp, Google Shopping, or Paypal as mentioned above.

Finally, you can start small with Magento and work your way up the ladder of e-commerce success. The technology offers excellent scalability, and you can add functionalities and increase inventory and product categories quickly. For more advanced options and customizations, you will have to go with professional developers, which is also a good idea if you need help with the maintenance and management of the online store.


Magento is a popular open-source platform that powers thousands of websites and offers numerous attractive benefits. As a scalable e-commerce solution, it is easy to install, and you can change layouts and add innumerable plug-ins.

With the ability to adapt to mobile, implement SEO best practices, and scale your shop when necessary, Magento is among the best available e-commerce platforms. Aside from a robust set of features, more than 50 available payment gateways, ready-made themes, and customizable options, you can create a unique shopping experience.

A platform that stands out and has all the required elements of a modern online shop can hopefully attract and retain buyers.

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