15 Business Security Trends in the Future

Reading any guide to business security, one will be shocked to learn the sheer number of threats. Despite security being a top priority for so many companies, many businesses are still hit yearly by breaches in their physical location or online.

Business security trends in the future focus on how to best mitigate these threats and deliver the best security at an affordable cost. This is done using available technologies, such as AI and weapon detection services. Here is what you can expect in the years to come.

AI Video Security Surveillance

Video security cameras have advanced. Receive crystal-clear video monitoring 24/7. In addition, AI software can apply facial recognition and tracking to identify suspicious behaviour or detect threats, typically before a human can spot them.

AI-Led Data Alerts

AI can detect suspicious movements in the building, such as authorized or unauthorized staff taking unusual map movements. This is if motion is detected outside of normal work hours. In addition, if there is a crowd forming somewhere that is usually a no-traffic or low-traffic area, AI can detect it.

Smart Door Locks and Window Sensors

Any opening in your brick-and-mortar business is a chance for an intruder to enter. Smart tech has made it so that heavy-duty smart door locks and IoT window sensors can monitor movement in/out. Any smart security technology like this can also be monitored remotely.

Remote Management of Smart Security Services

While having personnel on-site is valuable, many businesses may opt to outsource to remote security services. Even if you manage security internally, your security team can monitor remotely 24/7. This means more oversight and ongoing property management at all times.

Cloud Security Protocols

More organizations rely on cloud computing to secure data, perform hybrid work, and transfer data flexibly. Cloud security services will be a major business security trend, as private data storage is essential for every organization using cloud services.

Mobile Access Credentials

Access control is still an issue with remote work. Mobile access credentials – i.e. MFA, passwords, etc. – are essential. AI can also track users and monitor their movements. This will identify when they try to access data they aren’t authorized to see.

Weapon Detection Technology

AI weapon detection technology can quickly identify concealed weapons – i.e. guns, knives, and even materials not made from metal. This gun detection technology does not require an invasive pat down or lineup. All someone has to do is walk by, and instantly, they are scanned for weapons, threats, and/or anything suspicious.

Advanced Cybersecurity Trends

Cybersecurity takes on various strategies to protect data at every turn. Firewalls, encryption, multi-factor authentication (MFA), ransomware detection, and AI data analytics software are all critical parts of the future implementation of cybersecurity.

Ease-of-Use Access Control

Only authorized personnel can access a business site via access control. This is as simple as punching in a code, using a fingerprint, carrying a fob, or having an employee bring an RFID that is automatically scanned whenever they enter.

Advanced Alarm Systems

Alarm systems are advancing to include smart sensors and machine learning. They can detect an intruder and alert the authorities quickly, with greater monitoring across the premises than ever before.

The Use of Visual Deterrents

Businesses want to make their active security technologies visible to deter criminals. Suppose a criminal sees visible access control readers or smart door locks. In that case, they may reconsider trespassing, knowing that security is prioritized on-site, making gaining access all the more difficult.

In-Depth Real-Time Security Analyses

Run a security scan of your site. Based on real-time data, identify where security teams would be best set up. Optimize your personnel’s presence on-site, no matter their count. Understand where your building has the most foot traffic and which areas will benefit the most from security devices.

Security Drones

Drones can scan the premises of a large facility, monitor the grounds 24/7, and identify trespassers from above. They are inexpensive and effective for a business with a large building and outdoor area that requires security.

Automated Systems Response

More businesses allow their security systems to tell them when a breach or intrusion occurs. Without human intervention, AI-based automation systems can instantly generate an on-site incident response and contact the necessary authorities as needed.

Biometric High-Security Protection

Biometric access control will be used in more high-security locations, such as server rooms, inventory storage warehouse facilities, cash vaults, and similar environments. It’s not enough to provide users with stolen and compromised credentials. Biometric authentication replaces passwords.

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